Tiny insignificant things that just bug the hell out of you

That 100% surcharge on fast food folk should also apply to the idiots who can’t count to 10 in the Express Lane.

I can’t stand when people click pens or clip their fingernails. I seem to pick up all the little sounds around me and that drives me nuts.

I must have been said more than once…
Two women drag racing on the freeway side by side useing
up both lanes at 51 mph. for the last ten minutes!

Or someone who pulls out in front of you just to slowly
poke along…

The McD’s near me has a sign on the drive-thru speaker that they will process no more than 2 separate orders per car.
Yea! :slight_smile:

I wasn’t going to post to this thread, but as I read it, I kept thinking of more and more things that really set my teeth on edge and by the time I got to the end it was like a moral responsibility.

  1. I agree on the “10 Items” line, but it’s “10 Items or FEWER”. I sometimes feel the urge to correct this on signs. I wish I carried a big smelly black marker for this purpose. Permanent signs should make an effort to be grammatically correct.

  2. Unnecessary quote marks. Yesterday in the grocery store: “Fresh” Meat - On “Sale”! Does this make anybody else feel queasy? Do you get the feeling the meat is covered in maggots and really expensive? Sometimes they advertise “Beef”. This I find exceptionally distressing.

  3. Hi, Opal!

  4. Impact is not a verb. Nothing has ever “impacted” anything else, unless it’s teeth. And then they -are- impacted. It’s a noun or an adjective. And it is definately not “impactful”. Likewise corporatespeak that makes just about anything a verb - “I’m glad we got to synergy on that!” You what?

  5. Free range children at restaurants. No, it is not cute. Why is your child at my table? Is he begging for food? Do I know you? Do you know I’m a safe person and not a child molester, a poisoner, or maybe just easily annoyed? When I was that age, I sat in my chair. No questions asked. What the hell is wrong with you?

  6. When you sit on the toilet seat and it’s slightly broken, you know, just the one hinge. And it does that sickening shift thing. So you spend the rest of your time in the stall carefully balanced and afraid of the toilet seat.

  7. People who spit. Anything. Anywhere. Gross.

  8. People who can’t stand the idea that grass dies in the winter. Do you think I didn’t notice that it’s twenty degrees out and your yard is flourescent? Grow up, all you grass people. Get a hobby.

  9. Valentine’s Day.

For what it’s worth (not much, I know), this is from my dictionary:
impact-…(v. intr.) to come forcibly into contact with another body; to have a pronounced effect.

But I do agree that it’s sometimes used incorrectly.

OK, I give up…what’s with the “Hi Opal” every time there is a list of some sort? Obviously there is an inside joke of some sort, but what is it? :slight_smile:

I had to ask someone too. (Welfy explained it too me.)

Opalcat is a Straight Doper who apparently got mad at people only having a list with 2 items. so, for the third item, people will now put “Hi Opal!” to show there is more than 2 items! :slight_smile:

Okay, my list!

1.) Peeps. “I love my peeps!” shudders when I think of peeps, i think of Easter and the marshmallow chickens. Yum…
2.) My college apparently thinks heat is evil. In 2 (at least) of the rooms I am in, I freeze!
3.) Hi Opal! :slight_smile:

When i think of more, i’ll type them for you guys.

4.) When I can’t type! grr…I know my grammer! I know the difference between two, to, and too.

Oh, thanks. That makes sense…sort of…I guess.

  1. Why can’t an list have only two items?
  2. Am I a bad person for making a list with only two items? Sometimes my shopping list says only “milk” and “bread.” Is it not really a list then?
    :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: There is no item #3. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Tiny insignificant things that just bug the hell out of you:


U.N.C. and Duke fans

Women who get mad at me for treating them as special [sub](Don’t worry, I’ll never mistake YOU for a “lady” again. You can open yer own door from now on. I’ll take my pedestal and go home.)[/sub]

Yes!! and yes!! on both of those, also on the “free-range children,” (if you don’t mind my quotes) - I like that term.

As to your question about “Hi Opal!,” here’s a thread that’s very helpful: http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?threadid=61019

People who use “[sp?]” rather than just going to check the spelling on their posts.

Just a minor thing. I love the diversity of posting styles on the board, but this one makes my eyes cross.

YES! For some reason, Chicago is big on the unnecessary quotes thing. “40” percent off! We’re “Open”! “Down” transfer stairs to O’Hare. (I know, it didn’t make sense without the quotes either, but it was an actual sign in the subway, pointing the way to the tunnel connecting the Red and Blue lines).

Women who pee on the toilet seats in public restrooms and don’t clean up after themselves. Nasty slobs!! May they all catch ickyitchy, incurable diseases anyway!

People who won’t move to the back of the bus or to the center of the train car when there are people trying to get on.


DVDs that don’t offer the Widescreen or Letterbox versions of the films. (I just sent back Fearless because it only came in Standard).


“My ears are lucky to hear these glorious songs…”
Happy Rhodes

People who say “cement” when they mean “concrete.”

Apostrophe Abuse!!

You know, sign’s that say something plural is available, but use 's instead of just pluralizing the word’s?

I hate that!

That bother’s you?
Me, too! :wink:

People who say “nuke-u-ler” instead of “nuke-lee-ar.”

Look at the damn word, people: nuclear. The Clampetts found oil, not uranium.

Thank you.

I think Sela Ward is a beautiful woman, but does the way she moves in those Sprint commercials annoy anyone else but me? Do you know the ones I’m talking about? The way she moves her arms when she sails by on a scooter in a big, empty, loft apartment, or leans into a turn while riding a bicycle in the same commercial? Am I crazy to be wondering about such things, when GB is in the White House (You did say “tiny” though)?