Tiny insignificant things that just bug the hell out of you

People who read over my shoulder, without my permission.

Ohhhh…I cannot tell you how much I flippin’ HATE that. If I say to you, “Hey! You’ve gotta see this!” then yes, you may step in to my personal space and read what I am reading. However, if you haven’t been invited in, get out. Grrrrrrrrrr…

“10 items or less”

Now this is very difficult, so let’s go over it slowly.

A. “10”. This is the number after 9. It is part of this series: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,**10 **…You must remember this, it is covered in the worst of public schools.

B. “Items”. I realize that to some this is tricky. If the shampoo and conditioner are prepackaged together in shrinkwrap, then this is one item. Note there is only one price, and there is usually not an option to buy them separately at the same price. If the shampoo and conditioner are each individually priced, and not bound together in any way, then these are two items and must be counted as such. Similarly, if the catfood is 6 cans for $1.29, this is a good deal–however because they are not packaged together you must count them as 6 items. Try to think about how often the cashier will have to run the items over a scanner. If he/she must run the item more than once, it is not an “item”, they are “items”.

C. “Or”. This is possibly where the problem occurs. “Or” sounds like you have many options, and sometimes this is so. However “or” is frequently followed by a limited number of such options, and it is important to see whether your desired option is among them.

D. “Less”. Ah, see. The “or” has led you to options other than that of ten items, but these options are limited to anywhere from one to nine items. There are no provisions and exceptions for eleven, twelve, or twenty items. Note that less does not have an asterisk next to it. Such a mark might indicate that during slow times the rules would not apply. Alas, such a mark does not exist. Therefore, please take your groceries to the many other checkout lines that prepared to accept your sale, and leave this one pathetic little line to those of us who just might be in a wee bit of a hurry.

Thank you.

Nacho4Sara: The guy said “fuck off” because you were trying to pass papers forward?!? That is so messed up! What were you supposed to do, just keep the rest of the papers to yourself? What the hell is that all about?

Sometimes people just bewilder me.

The girl who sits in front of me in American lit is a hair twirler. She comes in to class, and five minutes into the lecture, she’s got a hank of hair wrapped around her right index finger. And unwrapped. And rewrapped. This goes on for the entire 75-minute class. If she needs to open her book or turn in homework, she does it with her left hand so the twirling can continue unabated. By the time class is over, that chunk of hair is so oily, she might as well have spent the time rubbing a cheeseburger on the side of her head. I’d punch her in the head, but I’m afraid to touch her hair.

1: When I have to go beg the “Bagel Bakery” personnel to give me a packet of Equal instead of one the 1000 packets of cheap Sweet&Low they have clogging the sweetners basket. Apparently they have to husband it and can only let one precious packet go at a time because “everyone steals it”. Look I buy this stuff at SAMS club. Its 11.00 for 700 packets. I’m paying $ 1.50 for 16 oz of coffee bean flavored water. Don’t jerk me around again and again for just over a penny.

2: When I’m on my cell phone or a landline without a phone book handy and I call 411 operators who can’t find a precisely spelled name when it’s right in the phone book. I know it’s there because I had to look it up at my office the other day. Why can’t you find it? Isn’t what’s in the phone in in your database? Why is this a brain teaser?
“I’m sorry we don’t have that name”. Flush $ 1.00 411 charge. ACK!

3: Retail or counter service people who lie about whether they have something in lost and found. I have two kids and they have lost and misplaced their fair share of jackets, glasses etc. When I call a retail store, where I know there is a 90%+ probablility the item was left there, and they tell me they looked around and don’t see anything. I then have to go to the store personally and get the manager involved to retrieve it because slacker/boy/girl is too lazy to actually look beyond the magic 3 foot circle from which they apparently cannot move or ask co-workers if they have seen it.

4: Cellular phone salespeople or others selling complex electronics who assume you are a complete moron and give you abject BS reasons as to why the cell phone isn’t working properly. My all time favorite. (SP)“It has to get used to the cell site for a day or so then it’ll stop roaming.” (Me)Sort of like a new relationship huh? (SP) “Yeah!”

5: Already mentioned. People who let dogs jump on you. “He’s just being friendly.” So it’s OK if I put MY hands on your legs and stomach, try to MY tounge over your face and keep jabbing MY face into your crotch. I’m just being friendly. Note to dog owners (just the clueless ones). I know this what dogs do but while people may smile grimly to be polite, this is incredibly obnoxious behavior on your part not to control your pet. In fact it cost one woman I know an opportunity for a six figure job. The head of human resources (whom the dog (on a leash yet!) jumped at an outdoor social function with NO attempted restraint from the owner, figured if the person was this clueless socially they were not executive material.

6: Restaurants where they serve coffee that have been sitting in the pot so long it’s obviously burned or otherwise no good. Why do I have to be the guinea pig? Why can’t you just smell the coffee before you bring it out?

7: Women who think the main rule of perfume application is "The more I use the better it works!

8: Appearance: Thick, solid uni-brows and people who refuse to trim their nose hair. Older, non-frail, people who apparently think retirement has made bathing a “once a week or so” a valid lifestyle option. Soup strainer moustaches. Long, dirty finger nails on grown men. Otherwise attractive women with noticable whiskers growing out of facial moles.

When people who use the word “anxious” when they actually meant “eager.” Grrrr. When someone happily says, “I’m really anxious to do that,” my first reaction is, “Why do it if it’s gonna fill you with anxiety?” Anxious… anxiety. They don’t sound alike by mere coincidence.

Clerks who hand back the change, bills first, then lay the coins on top of the bills. The coins often spill onto the counter. And if I try to flip up the bills so the coins being dropped will fall into my palm, the damned clerk still tries to land the coins on the bills and end up pouring the change all over the counter. I’ve even told them (as I’m flipping up the bills), “In the hand, not on the bills!” They still dump the coins everywhere.

People who scratch their ass in the workplace. "Scratch their ass? No, I meant they try to tickle their tonsils by way of their G-I tract I’ve had two coworkers who had no qualms whatsoever about digging for chocolate while in the presence of others. One would do it even if you were sitting and he was standing a foot away; talk about a great view. The other, a secretary, used to hike up her skirt in order to better scratch her ass.

Parents who let their kids think a restaurant is just a big playground.

People who don’t take care of houseplants they bring to the office.

People who don’t cross-tie dogs they haul in the back of a pickup. (I guess it’s not such a small thing; twice I’ve picked up dogs that fell out of pickups on freeways.)

When grown-ups with toddlers don’t wait and hold the door (to a resaurant, grocery store, etc.) for people with strollers. You know what a toddler is? It’s a little tiny person who just got finished using a stroller.So those grown-ups were the ones who just last month couldn’t get their strollers through those same doors they just opened a crack to let sneak themselves and their kids in and then let it smack back closed before you can even hope to get your foot in the door to lever it open and back the stroller in so it doesn’t squash your own precious child. Grrrrrrrr.

They are grown-ups, not adults. Adults have some measure of common courtesy.
Sorry about the huge run-on, but I got caught up in my petty irritation.

My kids installing programs on my computer.

Taking the dogs out for an hour and then soon as you bring them back in, one craps on the floor…grrrrrr.

Burnt out lightbulbs.

Having no coffee in the damn house.

Having my daughter take a screwdriver off my tool board and then not bring it back for TWO WEEKS!!! (yeahm I’m anal about my tools)

Porn spam on ICQ.

The girl at the 7-11 that can NEVER remember what kind of cigarettes I smoke, even though I’m in the damn store EVERY day! Plus, she KNOWS me personally outside of work.

Running out of beer.

That’s about it for now.

I hate that! People who do that should be hung from the traffic signal.

Oh, gross. Usually the kid has bright red Kool-Aid spilled all down the front of their shirt and food crumbs all over their face, not to mention the basic dirt that accumulates after days of no bath. Did you ever think of packing an extra shirt and a comb and some baby wipes in the car or bag? You’re right, Mom looks like she just walked off a fashion shoot for Vogue.
Parents of my students who never read the newsletters and then say, “No one told me today was picture day! When is the field trip? No one ever told me about it! No one told me school was closed today! No one told me…”
If you’d read the damned newsletter, you would know this crap!

People who don’t clean up after their dogs.

People who still have Christmas icicle lights hanging up. Okay, so they don’t turn them on anymore, but why are they still up?

People who over-decorate their house and yard for holidays like Valentine’s Day and St. Patrick’s Day.

Really poor grammar. “Don’t got no…”, “I ain’t…”, “I seen that movie…”, “Her and me…”.
Hubby and I were at a restaurant last weekend and the menu said (I swear!), “All steaks cooked to you’re order.” Now that’s really bad!

It’s been said that over 20% of Americans can’t read or count…and they are all in the express lane at the supermarket.

People in front of me in the express lane of the grocery store who wait until the clerk has rung everything up before writing their checks, getting the money or ATM card out of their wallet. Its like they suddenly wake up and say “Wait, I have to pay for this stuff?, Oh I have money somewhere, let me look for it.” Have your money ready or your checkbook out with your pen in hand.

People who carry a cell phone around, and then when it rings, act like it’s really interrupting their day. You know, sighing, rolling their eyes, saying “Not again!”

People who feel fine polluting the inside of their cars with cigarette smoke, not to mention their lungs, and then have to roll down the window one inch and toss the butt out onto the ground. It makes me want to go pick it up and drop it down into the little vent space between the the car hood and the bottom of the windshield.

Anyone who, in a retail or wholesale establishment in the five boroughs of New York City, pays for anything by personal check, ever, at any time.

Any place that would accept a check will also accept a credit or debit card, which (a) requires no ID, (b) requires no extra time for the clerk to write down the ID number, © hi opal! and (d) doesn’t require the purchaser stand there like a moron writing out numbers in longhand.

The deepest circle of hell is reserved for those feeling a compuction *** to stay on line, not moving out of the goddamn way, in order to enter the check into their registers.***

The ONLY excuse that’s valid for using a personal check is if you’ve been robbed (that doesn’t happen very often anymore anyway) and the banks are closed (or your bank doesn’t have a branch in NYC). And in that case you apologize, repeatedly, to the people on line behind you (this is New York, there will always be people on line behind you) and to the clerk, all of whose lives you are making difficult.

If you are a tourist and you insist on doing this, every person on line waiting for your time-hogging ass to get your act together will ensure that (1) your car, assuming your stupid suburban mind brought your damn car into the city with you, is stolen by professionals and will last be seen at the Newark dock, being loaded onto a cargo ship bound for Gabon, (2) you will be denied entry to any restaurant other than Houlihans, TGIF, McDonald’s and Tad’s Steaks, and (3) your discount hotel room mysteriously will become unavailable for the rest of your stay, leaving you with three options as you struggle to find a new room: the notoriously filthy Hojo’s on 34th Street, the Ambassador Suite at the Plaza (which will cost you more than your car was worth), and a quiet hallway at the Port Authority bus terminal.

do you understand me?

Found some more (I love peeve threads - I must be one of the most irritable people in the world!):

  • People who don’t read the entire thread and then post exactly what I just said 10 posts ago. I suspect that IRL these are the same type of people that, in a conversation, don’t listen to what I’m saying because they are so eager to respond. Do you think I’m typing just to hear myself type?
  • People who don’t throw out pens that don’t write. Do you think it will magically refill itself with ink if you leave it in the pen cup long enough? It’s a 29 cent Bic, for criminy’s sake - toss it, already.
  • My cat’s hair in EVERY FREAKIN’ THING I OWN!!! I bring something home from Safeway, open it, and it has cat hair in it.
  • Mosquitos.


Oh yes!! The chat room thing!! Bcuz it makes me want 2 # (pound) dem in2 little bits!! AAAAArrrrrggghhhh!!!

Church going folks who attend services regularly, act like they are holier than anyone else but in normal life are about as crooked and nasty as snakes.

Smoke police. People who give you stern, disapproving looks if you’re smoking outside on the street. Smoke police in TV programs, like the latest episode of X-files where Scully and crew looked on with quiet disapproval at a new female agent who was smoking outside. Then the agent appologizes for not living up to FBI image and explains she is trying to quit!!!

Rap music blaring out of the speakers at my local Taco Bell, and I hate rap, while I try to eat my tacos, plus the counter crew singing along with them!

Guys who put million power, aircraft landing lights in place of their car headlights, then refuse to dim them at night while you frantically blink your feeble lights at them and cover your eyes and ride with one wheel on the road shoulder so you know where you are.

Stupid, no compromise laws. Like arresting the 8 year old kid who took a fried chicken finger from his lunch try and pointed it at a teacher, playfully miming shooting him or the 10 year old girl, in a school with a no weapons rule, being arrested for having fingernail clippers on her.

Public panic. When the news hinted that Crayons just might have asbestos in them, in tiny amounts, the local elementary school threw out every crayon they had and made the students remove any of their own that they brought in. (It all turned out to be bogus!)

Underfunded school systems. Local politicos gripe about the quality of the schools, then shuttle funds away from them and wonder why they have not improved. Like, this is turning out quality future voters and leaders!!

what about when someone is eating fritos or cornuts in the same room you’re in, and the whole room smells like friggin cornuts? it drives me up the wall.
also, i work in a store with huge glass windows up front, and i can see everything someone does before they come in, like when they take that last drag off their cigarette, scrape it on the ground, then put half a burnt cigarette behind their ear or in their pocket. OH MY GOD! there should be a law. it smells so bad, as do they. i have nothing against smokers, i just work in a backwoods suburb of the city i live in, and the customers i deal with leave alot to be desired.
one last thing…wet socks. need i say more?

Okay, I am driving happily along in a 55 mph zone only to get stuck behind a car going 45 mph. Now, undrestand that I live in the land of no passing lanes. There are a few, but they are never usable becuase there is always traffic in the other direction. Okay, so I figure, maybe this person just doesn’t know the speed limit so they are guessing, and they never think that a huge line of cars backing up behind them might mean they are going too slow. But then you get to the actual 45 mph zone, and do they keep on going at 45 mph like they were before? NNOO!! They slow down to 30mph. What is wrong with these people!!! (Besides the obvious, “they might be drunk”(which is an entirely diffrerent peave) explanation.

I really had to get that off my chest, It just happened again. grrrr…

People who don’t capitalize their posts! :smiley:

Software that crashes right before you were going to save.


When people (middle-aged women, mostly) describe food–chocolate, dessert, pasta, whatever–as “decadent,” or even worse, “sinful.” It’s not a sin; it’s food. It’s purpose is to be eaten. They make this big deal about how guilty they feel eating it. I have never understood, nor will I ever understand, the thinking behind this. It’s FOOD, for crying out loud!!! The day I feel guilty for eating is the day they’ll have to put me in a pine box.

I love my Pet Peeve, I take it for walks, and brush it, and … oh … sorry

People in the fast food drive-thru lane who order for everyone in their (must be) 100 person office, and they place them as separate orders, and pay for them one at a time!!! tying up the rest of us for-ever!! It’s a FAST FOOD place you moron. If anyone in drive-thru has more than two orders - a 100% surcharge!!! (Precedent - fancy sit-down restaurants that tack on a surcharge for groups of 8 or more.)
There, I feel better now. Think I’ll go take my Pet Peeve for a walk.