TMI: Can you hurt yourself by straining too hard?

During…ahem…defecating, of course.

I am embarrassed as hell to be asking this question but I’ve always wondered. You hear quotes in movies. I’m not reprinting the quotes here, someone else can do that, but they refer to either veins being broken or a certain other portion of the anatomy.

So, can you hurt yourself, if you’re constipated and trying really hard? Barring serious medical complications, this is just an ordinary day, and Mr. Man is having a hard time. :smack:

Dear Og.

Not *my * Mr. Man. Just any Mr. Man.

Previous, less delicately titled, thread on this subject:

Has anyone ever died pushing out a turd?

The short answer to both his question and yours is “Yes.”

I don’t care if other people are less delicate, just me! And thank you for that link - disgusting but informative.

Yes. Overstraining can lead to hemmorhoids, anal fissures and proctalgia (try calling the next “pain in the ass” person you see that!).

Think of Elvis.

Or maybe not

I had an uncle who got a hernia that way, or so the story went.