I was just sitting here browsing the SDMB. My 1 year old was quietly sitting on my lap. It was peaceful.
again and again all over me.
I didn’t want it to get on the floof or my chair so I held him close.:smack: he didn’t stop!
All over me!
I carried him to the tub where he deposited his last one.
It was dinner with some lunch.
Now I smell like barf.
Ahhh… been there, done that, got the T-shirt stains…
Both times feeding the little lad on my lap. Both times different varieties of yogurt / dairy food (which he normally consumes without incident), and, as you so eloquently put it: bhhrruuap!
And I was sure I hadn’t put that much yogurt into the child.
Yeah, 2 1/2 year old girl does that a lot. She’s always sick because she’s a picky eater, a bad sleeper, and refuses to drink enough. And she still likes sticking things in her mouth. Four months ago she had to spend a night in the hospital on an IV because she had a stomach virus and refused to drink. Our house smells like puke a lot because of her. : )
My kids are in their teens now but I will never forget the time my son called me into his room (he was on the top bunk) and as he was telling me he didn’t feel good he barfed everywhere…gravity pulled it all over me as I stood on the ladder. It even landed on the electronic helicopter that I paid $59 for (which later was trashed because he ruined it)
I think that was the worst time I got barfed on. I think I am scarred for life.
Poor little sweetie. I’m like you, Roadwalker, I’d rather be barfed on than clean it out of the carpet. In fact, it amuses me that most people leap, instinctively, from barf; I lean into it.
Remember the Bloom County strip where Blinkey’s dad had a really crappy day, work sucked humongously, the Vega died and he said nothing worse could now happen…
then Blinkey walked in and said “Dad, the cat just barfed in your sock drawer.”
This was the first real barf Jamie has ever had. Naomi (his late sister) probably barfed more in six years than most folks do in a lifetime. She would sit in her hospital bed and I would eat breakfast with one hand and hold her barf basin with the other while we watched PBS kids.
My son had a very delicate gag reflex for a while when he was about 1. A crumb in the throat, a grain of rice–that was really all he needed to set it off.
There are several restaurants in the area I haven’t been back to for years.