You know what? I HATE you. I hate you and your self-righteous patriotic bullshit. I hate you and all your kind for telling my generation how evil war is since we’re in kindergarten, and then daring to tell us we’re cowards for not joining the army to go kill people.
I hate you for the stories I read in my eighth grade reading book about the woman with a child in her arms dead of radiation, drowning herself in a river after Hiroshima. I hate you for the times you told us about the people with skin peeling off their bodies like a glove off a hand. I hate you for the stories about the Vietnam vets with flashbacks, and the children who cried for them. I hate you for daring to think you can tell us how horrible war is and then expect us to go willing to a draft. I hate you damn hypocrites sitting on your asses in your office, securely past the age of draft, preaching about saving democracy.
You know what, you assholes? They told me that bin Laden took my generation’s innocence, destroying it with the flames at the WTC. But you know what? I’m used to madmen destroying themselves and others for horrifying reasons. My generation didn’t go to schools with drills for hiding in the radiation shelter after an attack from the Red Menace, oh no. We practiced locking the doors to our school classrooms and getting out of the line of fire, hiding from suicidal children bent on destroying those they hated. I cried for days after WTC’s attack, but you know what? I cried longer because assholes like you still exist in this world. You hate filled ignoramuses… you and people like you will cause more damage then a hundred fanatics.
bin Laden took lives and buildings - but you try to take our souls. You try to take away the things this country was founded on - liberty, freedom of the speech, even the seperation of church and state. You were the first ones to cry communist in era of McCarthy, and now you cry ‘anti-American, unpatriotic, unchristian!’ You tell us how little we care for poor Americans who died, and council us to bomb Afghanistan into dessert glass.
My generation thought it could escape you, just maybe we would be so lucky. But you’re back in force, filled with hatred and anger and prejudice. You scum. You bottom feeding pond scum of the universe. You’re everywhere, from Oregon to New York. You leech my soul and drain it. You leech the world, living off the hatred everywhere…
I hate you.