To people who don't "get" rants (ahem, obfusciatrist)

Duh, guess you got me with that one, yesiree.:rolleyes:

Wow, this is really entertaining. Oops, I guess I’m supposed to say more than that (sorry, newbie mistake). Well, I can actually see both sides… on the one hand, it would piss me off if people told me to “get over it” after I ranted on about something, and then on the other hand, people can comment on a post in any way they see fit. Sooo… I guess this is just another pointless post to get my numbers up… sorry!

<bows head in shame>

You almost get it. But we’re not just saying it “pisses us off” when people say “get over it”. We’re saying that we already are over it, and it’s just a silly waste of bandwidth to point out the obvious like that. I know it’s a little confusing to the newbies because the BBQ Pit doesn’t say “This is the place to post rants”. You just have to know that that’s what people do here.

The first time I encountered a rant in the BBQ Pit, I kind of said to myself, “Huh? What’s this all about.” After I read a few of them, I figured out what was going on. It’s just a fun thing that people do here.

Right now, the wiz has a little piece about people who do obnoxious things when dropping their kids off at school.

JohnBckWLD has written about some of those annoyances we encounter while shopping for clothes.

Monty’s contribution is about people not flushing the toilet.

elmwood tells us about a not-so-hot potential mate from an on-line matchmaking service.

NONE of these are Earth-shattering subjects, and I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that at the end of the day, ALL of these folks have gotten on with their lives. In other words, they ARE “over it”. They’re just harmless rants, folks.

It’s not so much that the constant influx of banal “get over it” type comments are rude (although that’s also true), it’s more that they are utterly devoid of intelligence or comprehension of what’s going on.

Hope that helps, although there seems to be a subset of posters here for whom this is never going to sink in…

Hehe. Talk about not getting it. And a humorous rant about relatively trivial things is just a perfectly valid use for bandwidth. Nosireebob, not wasting bandwidth at all, are you? :rolleyes:

I have to say, you are coming off as a world class dumbass, blowero, no matter how many of your fellow whiners agree with you. Having a lot of people on your side does not make you right. Personally, I get frustrated by the waste of bandwidth over idiotic rants and other pointless shit. It makes it harder for the rest of us to access the site and drives the hamsters batty.

“Let thy speech be better than silence, or be silent.”
– Dionysius the Elder (c. 430–367 B.C.)

No, but being right puts a lot of people on my side.:stuck_out_tongue:

Whatever, dude - you want to act like a troll? Knock yourself out - we’ll just ignore you.

But that’s the problem. You’re not funny.

Your original rant wasn’t funny, so some people thought it was serious. You’re accusing people of not having a sense of humor simply because you can’t tell a joke.

[Stuffing a dinner roll into Blowero’s mouth and handing him a Foster’s/]

dude…you can’t win this one, walk away…

Hijack -

I always use my debit card and never write checks. What is the higher risk in doing so?


Apparently you missed where I said all the stuff like, "I’m no Lewis Black; “I’m no Jerry Seinfeld”, etc.

A few of you guys seem to be making a career out of missing the point. It seems to be going something like this:

Blowero: “I’m not trying to say I’m all that funny”
Stupid Fucks: “You’re not all that funny”

They’re not jokes, they’re rants. And I don’t give a rat’s ass if you think I’m funny. You want to tell me that you don’t think I’m funny? - knock yourself out; you don’t strike me as exactly being a comedy genius yourself.

If it were just my thread, I wouldn’t have said anything. But it’s virtually EVERY goddamn thread in here where some clueless person says “D’er - It’s not that important; calm down; just deal with it.”

All I’m asking is that people stop treating obvious hyperbole as if it were literal. What exactly is the major meltdown you guys are having with the concept?

It’s. Not. That. Hard.

Blowero, I like you, but I don’t think you’re understanding something.

Some people thought your original rant was serious, and responded as such. Instead of starting a new thread bitching about how people didn’t “get” your rant, you should have just chalked it up to a swing and a miss. My only complaint with you is that you didn’t.

In writing, speech, or any other communication medium, you have to know your audience. If the audience does not understand what the speaker is trying to get across, the blame is not with the audience - it’s with the speaker. It’s bad form for the speaker to complain that the audience did not “get” him.

Your rant was light and tongue in cheek, but we both know that many rants aren’t. You didn’t express the fact that you were only semi-serious well enough. No problem there, a simple “hey, I’m more amused than angry - don’t take this so seriously” would have sufficed…if it stayed in the same thread. Instead, you posted this OP.

You shouldn’t have started a thread about how you were taken too seriously, you should of just chalked it up to a swing and a miss.

Never, EVER complain to the audience that they don’t “get” you.

While I understand what you are saying, I disagree with it. As I said several times, it’s not JUST my thread, it’s part of a larger problem. I don’t think we can dismiss it as just being a poorly written OP, because that doesn’t explain the countless other times that I have seen this sort of “get over it” reaction to things that are obviously tongue-in-cheek. I see it all the time in other threads - threads that weren’t written by me.

And then we have the fact that many people understood perfectly well that it was hyperbole, and said as much. Frankly, I don’t even understand how it’s even possible to think I was seriously upset by the incident. As I said before, were you of the opinion that I wouldn’t “get through this”, or that I wouldn’t “survive”? Those were the words I used, and if you can’t see that as hyperbole, then we must not be speaking the same language at all.

But I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt, and allow that some people really didn’t get that it was tongue-in-cheek. Given that this happens so often in other threads, and that many people seem perfectly capable of understanding hyperbole, I’m still going to have to maintain that this is a fault in understanding on the part of the people reading the threads, if not deliberate obtuseness.

I disagree. If some jackass goes to a museum and spits on the Mona Lisa, I do not blame Da Vinci. [For the analogy impaired, I am not in any way comparing the quality of my rant to the Mona Lisa]

Then we aren’t talking about those rants, are we? I maintain that it’s not that difficult to tell the difference.

I disagree; lots of people “got it”, and as I explained numerous times, I started another thread because the problem is so prevalent in virtually every BBQ Pit thread. But you ( and a couple others) seem to be deliberately ignoring that and pretending that I started this thread to somehow defend my writing. You’re creating a strawman Blowero who is so enamored with his own comedy stylings that he defends them at all costs. That’s just total bullshit, and you would have to ignore everything I’ve written in this thread to think such a thing. And to top it off, you are ignoring my point that it happens all the time in other people’s threads. You would have us believe that everyone who ever posts a rant is just so poor a writer that they aren’t communicating their ideas. Poppycock! - I say. It’s a few readers who are guilty of cluelessness.

Please, it’s a thread about how everyone is taken too seriously. My thread is just one example.

While I appreciate your lovely, overstated advice with all the shiny colors and such, I must decline.

If I write a thread, and nobody gets it, I would blame myself. If lots of people write threads, and a few people never get ANY of them, I blame those few people.

a) I’s dudette, loser
b) a troll? dude, that is SOOO against the rules, not to mention erroneous. I’d appreciate if we could get a moderator in here post haste, because that is utter bullshit. In fact, I think I’ll contact them myself.

Psst! blowero! It’s been almost a week. Are we through ignoring her yet? :rolleyes:

Awww, presidebt’s gonna tell the teacher on me. Fuck you, you stupid whore.

Let me clarify what I meant: I’m not necessarily calling you a troll*, but if one goes around posting “get over it; it’s not that important” in every thread which is obviously a tongue-in-cheek rant, then that constitutes troll-like behavior, and that person’s gonna get ignored. If you don’t do stupid shit like that, then people won’t have a problem with you.

*I am calling you a bitch, however.:stuck_out_tongue:

Well, the speed of light is actually about 670 million mph. One million mph doesn’t even approach relativistic speed.


Yeah, when you call me names you know you aren’t supposed to, I will report you. And I don’t feel one bit like a tattle tale. You should apologize to me, but instead you go on to dig yourself a deeper hole, and continue on with the toll-labeling. And you continue to assassinate my character. I do not, nor have I EVER, posted to “every thread which is obviously a a tongue-in-cheek rant”. I just posted an honest opinion to this thread. I don’t care that you call me a bitch and a whore, but you know the deal with trolling accusations.

blowero, no troll accusations, no matter how veiled they are.

See, now that’s funny.

/nods head

O.K., teach.

But presidebt’s still an insufferable bitch.

She gets “frustrated by the waste of bandwidth over idiotic rants and other pointless shit”, but is in favor of wasting more bandwidth by posting pointless “get over it” type comments.
