To the Asshole Who Smashed My Car Windows

To Whom It Obviously Did Not Concern:

Yes, as a longtime observer of your culture, I am aware that in Chicago after a heavy snowfall, there is a quaint local custom in which the natives dig out parking spaces, and then metaphorically piss all over their turf by piling chairs, milk crates, and other assorted debris in the spaces they have shoveled out to stake their claim on the location when leaving, so as not to have to shovel out another spot when they return.

You don’t know me, so you probably weren’t aware when you smashed both of my driver’s side windows into smithereens that I had already done more than my share to rid the curbsides of the North Side of the results of this weekend’s blizzard. On Saturday afternoon, I shoveled my car out so I could take some things over to my pregnant sister’s house. That’s 2 spaces shoveled: one here, and one there. Then I shoveled myself out of an ill-advised three-point turn, leaving my pants caked in snow up to my knees. I shoveled myself out again on Sunday so I could go get some groceries in the house.

As my back, neck, and shoulders have been intermittently hurting like hell lately anyway, the shoveling didn’t exactly help matters, so by the time I got home with my groceries Sunday evening, I was in a decent amount of pain. And oh, how glad I was to see an empty parking spot right in front of my building, since the 2 others on the block that I had already shoveled out myself had since been snatched by others.

As I pulled in, I saw a chair tossed onto the 18" of snow covering what is normally the lawn in front of the building. I hesitated for a second, knowing about the quaint local turf-staking custom and the occasional mishaps that befall those who do not heed it. But then I thought better of it; after all, maybe the shoveler had already left for the evening; there are a number of restaurants and shops nearby, so maybe he/she was just enjoying my neighborhood for a few hours. Or maybe the chair had been tossed aside by someone else. In any case, I reasoned, I had paid my dues, and there were no other spots nearby, even unshoveled, and I was hurting and still had to carry groceries inside over some likewise unshoveled sidewalks. And after all, public city streets belong to all the city’s residents, do they not?

How silly of me to assume that you would understand, let alone concur with, my line of reasoning. Apparently shoveling out a parking spot gives the shoveler ownership rights for the rest of the winter, or at least until the snow has melted and/or been plowed away, and I am a fool for not doing the same as you with the multiple parking spots I shoveled myself. I just have this real estate gig all wrong.

And how kind of you to show me the error of my ways by not only shattering my windows, forcing me to shell out a rather large amount of money and miss half the morning at my new job to get them replaced, but you also informed me of my anatomical inadequacies by writing the pithy insult “Needle Dick” on the hood of my car in what appears to be dish soap (as well as soaping my remaining windows so I couldn’t see through them, even after trying to clean them with windshield wipers and glass cleaner). You obviously know me more intimately than I know myself.

You, Sir (or Ma’am, though somehow I doubt you are a Ma’am, and I suspect that as for needle dicks, it takes one to know one), are an asshole. I would post this little love note on my car where you can see it, but I don’t care to have you break the rest of my windows - I’d rather use the cash for a massage for my painful shoulders and neck.

More Sincerely Than You Can Believe,
Eva Luna

Vincent Vega: “It woulda been worth him doing it, if I could’ve caught him at it.”

Holy shit, I didn’t know people actually smashed windows out. Yelled, screamed, etc., yes, but damn.

I can certainly understand someone’s frustration at having their spot taken, but actually damaging a vehicle is going waaay to far.

I can only sincerely hope that he tries this to someone who is a) willing to vandalize the vandalizer in a like fashion and b)present at the attempted vandalization.

Or that the cops catch him and give him a quick tune up.

That sucks Eva.

Sorry that happened to you, Eva. It’s a fucking stupid custom, if you ask me (and I’ve been born & raised here), and IIRC, technically illegal. Some Chicagoans are fanatical about defending their parking spots—I had an acquaintance who had her car spray painted because she repeatedly parked in a perfectly legal, unmarked space in front of somebody’s home. After repeated warnings and threats, the troglodytes painted over her car. I want to give people like that a facial with a baseball bat.

I fucking detest this asinine custom. Thank God I have an indoor parking garage.

I bet its the same bastard that just stole my bicycle seat and seatpost.

Ain’t folks grand? Especially in times of trouble.

Well, I suppose it could have been worse; this could have happened the last time I remember us having this much snow in a 24-hour period…that time, I was on crutches, having just had leg surgery. Or I could have a mechanic who weren’t such a genius as mine, in which case it would have cost $400-plus to replace the windows.

However, whoever did this is still an asshole. Lucky for him/her, even if I find out who did it, I’m a pacifist. I am not, however, above calling the cops. Turning the other cheek in a case like this isn’t noble; it just lets the schmuck think he can get away with it.

Eva Luna - I am awfully sorry to hear this happened to you. Here in Delaware we also had a bit of snow, and of all the route in front of the flatblocks in my street, there were only 3 parking spaces dug out – all by me and two neighbours.

Anyway, as we were finishing up, a guy pulled up alongside us in a car, and asked brusquely if we would hurry up and get out, so he could park his car where we just cleaned! :eek: :mad:

Actually we were neatening up in anticipation of having to get out this (Monday) morning – and this was the third time we had dug out the cars, having done so Saturday, and then the City trucks buried them when they ploughed, dug out again Saturday night the now wet and iced over snow from the plough, and then again Sunday after the plough got us again.

(Fortunately enough people had gone to work Monday that a man with a pickup truck w/blade could finish neatening the street parking for us).

But, I mean, crikey, it’s one thing to pinch a spot that someone’s worked hard to clear out, and it’s quite another to sit there like a carpark vulture. Takes a bit of cheek, I think.

This is the reason I will never live in Chicagoland, regardless of the financial, recreational, or romantic incintives. Never have I seen a people so absurdly obsessed with parking, and a city so determined not to accomodate its people. For crap’s sake, parking is worse in San Francisco, but nobody is busting windshields over it.

My sympathies to you, Eva, and may the the flaming anus who smashed your glass be trapped in his apartment by an ice storm while suffering acute appendicitus and end up at CCH where the doctors will confuse his records with that of a patient with frontal lobe cancer, with morbidly amusing results.


Time to move.

I should note the difference between “Chicagoland” and Chicago proper - I haven’t heard of this stuff happening outside the city itself, though as suburbanites we have the advantage of having garages and stuff. You can still live in the Chicagoland area without dealing with that BS.

CCH (Cook County Hospital, for the confused) is also now called something like the John H. Stroger Jr. County Hospital or whatever they named it. (It’s named after the current county board president, who’s a big proponent of getting the old historic CCH building torn down. Ah, Chicago politics…) Far as I’ve seen, that hasn’t changed the staff’s abilities. Not that I’d disparage them… cough

And I’m sorry, Eva, that really sucks. I’d heard of crap like tire-slashing and the like, but smashing windows is just insane.

I have a slightly different viewpoint, due to a different situation. First of all, Eva Luna, I’m sorry this happened to you; people are fucking animals sometimes.

However, my house is on a slight hill, on a corner (no driveway). I clear out enough space so I can back out. Invariably, someone comes in and parks RIGHT behind my car, so that I can’t get out. There is ample parking on the cross street, plenty for everyone. Most of that parking is on level surface. But where do these pikers park?

I actually had to get my neighbors to help push me out of my parking space because some asswipe parked RIGHT behind me, on a hill, when there was ample parking on a level surface EVEN CLOSER to the apartments in which they live. I left a note on the car, non-threatening, just to explain why parking there screws me up. They left for work, then came back that evening AND PARKED IN EXACTLY THE SAME PLACE. :mad:

I wanted desparately to bash their fucking windows, but since I try to be a decent human being, I didn’t.

I started putting a lawn chair behind my car not to save the space, but to keep people from parking so damn close that I can’t get out.

::marks Chicago on her list of places never to live::

I’m so sorry, Eva Luna. :frowning:

Years ago I was sitting in heavy traffic and a man stepped off the curb and smashed my windshield. I started to get out to kick his ass, but traffic started to move on and I figured it would be better to not get hit by a car.

Later the police found him - he had been run over by a car. Poetic justice. He also was charged with destruction of property.

Do you see what happens Eva? Do you see what happens Eva, when you find a stranger in the Alps? Do you see what happens Eva? This is what happens when you throw a stranger scrambled eggs!


Yeah, but who would want to? Oops, I didn’t mean…{ducking} :smack: Suburban Chicago is a great place…to…um…raise a family…and…um…okay, I’m just going out to the beach, now. Or maybe the mountains. Under the cloudless, azure, 73 degree Southern California sky. :stuck_out_tongue:


hugs Eva, works to restore windows

And when the day is over, you’ll return home to your 1134 sq. ft., $763,000 condominium. :wink:

Nah, I can’t afford a condo. Besides, my Maytag study and Frigidare bedroom are more portable, which is important when the soup kitchen shuts down and I have to take the Gold Line down to Union Station to beg for money from the movie star gassing his Hummer H2 at the Conoco on the corner of Chevez and Alameda. :frowning:
