I do not know you, sir/madam. I presume you do not know me, for if you did I think I would have gotten a clever little message etched upon the driver’s side of my poor little Honda. Alas, I was bestowed with a simple line. Hastily done, but it is unmistakable that a key is to blame for this unfortunate incident. And you, whomever you might be.
What I would like to know is this: Do you feel better now? Because I would truly, truly hate for this act to have been done in vain. Whatever has been eating away at you must be horrible indeed, if you feel you must resort to random acts of such heinous violence.
Was it satisfying to drag your key over the door, cutting into the paint and giving my baby(the car, natch) a terrible scar?
And why my car, of all cars? What did she ever do to you? I’m sure the very sight of my little Civic sitting quietly wherever I have parked her, waiting for me to hop in and drive somewhere, is terribly insulting, but surely you could have exercised some willpower. Counted to 10? Turned the other way? Punched a punching bag? Just suggestions.
I do hope that your life is made better by the damage to my vehicle. I’d hate for her to have been hurt needlessly. That is all.
Most insincerely,
There is no clever little message etched upon his door. Second’s implying that the keyer of the car would have etched a message had s/he known him/her.
None of the above. The only places I park my car for extended periods is at home and at work, both perfectly legal. Any other time, I don’t park like a jackass.
That’s for damn sure! 'Cos as we all know, there’s no such thing as petty, pointless malice in this world. And nobody ever engages in random vandalism, do they?
You know, I really enjoy blaming the victims of crime, too.
Kind of like last week, when my brother got mugged…he sure as hell deserved it! Since he got mugged, he must have been flashing a wad of cash around in a bad neighbourhood.
And when my cousin got raped, it had to have been her fault, too. Wouldn’t you agree?
Gee, maybe someone mugged your brother because they wanted MONEY, and someone raped your cousin because they wanted SEX. It’s not uncommon for people to want these thing, even to the point where they break the law to do so.
What would someone get out of keying a person’s car at random? There’s just no incentive for someone to do that.
There’s no incentive for folks to throw rocks off of overpasses into oncoming traffic below, but they do that too. You are under the misconception that all people act based on motivation. There are some people who simply act.
The only time I have felt the urge to key someone’s car was when people repeatedly parked illegally in a spot that blocked a path that people used to get to the Science center. I think it was raining that night and the grass was sopping wet, and it was basically a puddle of standing water over grass to get back to my dorm.
My car got keyed parked in front of a friends house, perfectly legal, in a nice suburban neigborhood with wide roads. There is no doubt in my mind it was random or mistaken identity.
Perhaps it had nothing to do with “how” or “where” you parked; they might know you and dislike you for some personal reason and took it out on your car instead.
Like the old saying goes, Man can go minutes without air, days without water, weeks without food, and Forever without answers. Buy some touch-up paint from your Honda Dealer’s parts department & suck it up.
Well perhaps someone keyed his car because he wanted to be an asshole? You know, people do that on occasion.
I have a few problems with your assertions. Well, more than a few, but only a few I’ll address. First you claim that SSttR “must have done something to piss somebody off.” following me so far?
Way to place the blame for a crime on the victim instead of the criminal. I sure hope you don’t go into Social Services.
…then you decide that there are reasons for other crimes that have nothing to do with the victim. Consistent much?
Oh, and I wouldn’t say things which imply that rape is about sex…you might get your ass handed to you.
And just in case you forgot what I said when you mentioned:
Check it out, Sparky. I’ll go slowly so you can keep up.
Sometimes people are thoughtless pricks.
Sometimes people do things without a reason.
Sometimes these things are illegal.
Therefore, sometimes thoughtless pricks do illegal things without reasons.
follow me? If you don’t, that’s okay. It’s written down so you can keep referring to it if you get confused.
It is just as easy to speculate that SSTTR was unlucky enough to cross paths with a jerk who picked out a car or cars to vandalize at random.
Some moons ago I had a passenger window smashed out on my '83 Dodge Colt (a mean machine if ever there was one). There was no earthly reason for someone to target my car, parked legally in front of my home. It came out later that a pack of bored suburban teens were riding around smashing out car windows in the neighborhood. I would like to think that one of them acted out of sheer envy that I drove such a fine car, but I fear it was just general jerkishness.
No arguments. No bumper stickers. Maybe it was the stuffed animals on the dash. Damn them in all their cute fuzziness…
BTW, I’m female(saw some incorrect pronoun usage above)
And, my mom’s car got keyed as well, and she parks right in front of me when we’re at home, so I’m thinking it was a random thing. Probably some neighborhood punks on a dare or something.