(I originally wrote this in response to the Hillary has lost this election thread, but decided it was too “pitty” (to coin a Buffy-ism), so here it is. I didn’t bother with editing it, so it will sound like a reply. Y’all can pit me for that if you wish.)
I do not have the slightest idea if this will get me a warning, but I feel that I have to say it:
Hillary supporters here absolutely suck at messaging. If you talk like this in the outside world the same way you do here, then you, yourself, are losing her this election.
This very week, on the base narrative level where emotions are made, it was proven that she was speaking the truth all along in regards to these emails, that she was following the advice of Colin Powell who, himself, disregarded State Dept guidelines… I wonder how many of you spoke of this outside the confines of this message board, to the world of trump supporters? How many of you are now internally whining while reading this, “well, I don’t want people to get MAD at me on Facebook” instead of speaking your mind, for Hillary, against Trump? How many of you are speaking out in public, church, bumper stickers, yard signs, private conversations, group chats with friends, etc? And not anonymously on the internet (I don’t count personal accounts on FB or, set up right, Twitter to be anonymous) - in public, with your name and face being identified with your words?
I just get the impression that it is very few of the HRC supporters on this board that do so.
Because it seems to me that, instead of taking the “Deplorable” comment, and running with it, people here act like a bunch of 3rd stringers sitting on the bench, worried how this play affects the final outcome of the game, fearful of the opponent and his fans, talking only amongst themselves not even bothering to stand up and cheer your team on even if… no… especially when you think it could have gone better.
What the fucking hell, people? Do y’all act like this outside this board?
I take on these people all the time, and I win. Constantly. Hell, on Wednesday I got into a Twitter conversation with somebody, literally spouted the Straight Dope Message Board rules of debate engagement at him, and it got the attention of a man with a big following. That one conversation, started about Trump and Iraq, received over 1000 likes and retweets, at least 20x that number of impressions, and got the attention of news pundits, billionaires, and other influencers. My phone just blew up and it was awesome.
Yesterday I got into a conversation with four Trump supporters about the logistics needed to deport 11m people. At start, they were accusing me of hate speech, and I calmly led them through my argument… using the calculators on their own phones. Shut them down, one saying “I appreciate the way you think.” I concluded with “look, I dont expect you to vote for Hillary but Johnson is a Republican in Libertarians clothing and is worth a serious look. Standing there in the booth, you may wish to heed Ted Cruz’s voice and vote your conscience… and if that means the Presidential line is left blank because y’all find all candidates unacceptable, well… that, too, is a vote.” One of my best efforts, but I had the numbers, logic, and courage to talk outside my bubble.
And instead of walking away, playing the conversation I would have had in an attempt to make me feel better, I replayed the conversation that *I actually had *, one that left 4 Trump supporters in doubt and appreciative of it.
Last night, I tweeted to about 40 influencers the following message:
“I ran some numbers: Under Trump, 81% of people to be deported are Catholics, 1 of every 9 Catholics in US. Did you know this?”
Dozens of retweets, comments, and three requests by Catholic leaders to link to my numbers and methodology
I’m route optimizing all Dem GOTV lists here in Bexar County - people are already predicting a 50% increase in GOTV activity because of my work.
But here on the SDMB, the appearance is that the battle is lost because the other team still has fans! :rolleyes:
This is such a winnable battle, it’s so damn easy and it’s just tiring to see you third-string, third-rate benchwarmers just flail about like all is lost, though we have had the lead since 12:37 to go in the first quarter. Stop being whiny-assed bedwetting losers, stand up, and fucking go to battle… or just shut the hell up and let us adults win this thing. Time is running out.