i know its been a few weeks, but dont you feel pretty dumb? i mean honestly, rushing to the store snatching plastic and tape like its snowing and you have to have bread and milk. we are all a bit scared but how can you let the slightest warning prompt you to over react in sucha fashion? or do you say better prepared than left out in the cold? do you think our leaders have gone over board or are just afraid of backlash if they do not warn of potential threats?
I didn’t go buy ducttape and plastic wrap. And I never go to the store and buy milk and bread when there are storm warnings.
However, all the talk about this crap did give me pause to think about how equipped I was to deal with any emergency. Gas leak, chemical spill, water main break, fire in neighboring condo, tornado, etc. So I put together a bin of good emergency supplies–flashlight (my toddler has run the batteries out in all of our other ones), drinking water, tarp, rubber gloves, candles, etc. Most important, I felt, were supplies for our animals. I didn’t want to be running around trying to rig up a traveling litterbox and transferring dog food from a 40-lb bag into something smaller, so I bought small bags fo their food and an “instant litterbox” thing. Now if we have to skedaddle fast, the animals are already “packed.” And if we get a boil-water notice (which has happened several times since we moved here), I don’t have to head to the store to try to beat everyone else in my township to the bottled water aisle.
Do I feel like an idiot? No, I feel like I finally got my ass in gear which I should have done a long time ago. This is common sense, not doomsday paranoia.
I’m with Cranky (mostly) on this one. The gov’t warnings did get us to think about emergencies in general. I did put together an “emergency kit” to cover a variety of situations.
For general emergency planning, I started thinking, “what would happen if Denver lost power for a week.” I then planned appropriately with provisions for food, light, heat & security.
The kit has trail-mix, powered milk, baby formula, diapers, flashlights, candles, etc. in it. It also has, just in case, duct tape & plastic - why not, they’re cheap and always reusable. There’s also an extra tank of propane in the garage to power my camping gear.
I’m not trying to play survivalist but I am trying to protect my family.
hey relax, i wasnt trying to point fingers and say anyone is an idiot(other than those that rushed out over hyped up rants on the tele). i 'm ready in the event of an emergency, everyone should be. i have two small children and i would like to be able to see them survive anything until help arrives or whatnot.
i guess i could have worded my post differently, maybe something like, the media sucks and should not try to scare john q public…
Hey, people that bought duct tape- don’t feel too badly, my dad went and bought gas masks for the whole family! Wheee!
What’s bothersome to me is the ‘Boy that cried wolf’ syndrome. What if we have a real threat that can be reduced by everyday household items. Do you think the masses will run out to buy bleach and borax if the Homeland Security gurus say to? It’s not likely now that the plastic and duct tape are being touted as a media fiasco. What a waste.
Duct tape has many good uses. It will hold so many things together, like broken luggage, broken hoses, pipes, etc. I think it’s good in the trunk of an automobile & at home in the toolbox. It’s always good to have some emergency stuff around, as mentioned above. I didn’t rush out and buy anything as a result of the media. The plastic and duct tape on windows didn’t make sense to me. Especially since I’m rarely home.
I still wonder about those folks that bought supplies for Y2K.
Hey, those baked beans I bought will last for many years yet !
Just remember, it’s the handyman’s secret weapon.