Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes Divorcing

Look I totally agree about the papparazzi. They’ve been out of control as long as I’ve been alive,a nd that’s way too long.

I still can’t help noticing that Suri’s shoes are bad for developing feet, and her skirts are often too short. And her outfits in general are very adult.

Oh lord.

Well said.

Um… :eek: No, this is just… :confused: Really? :dubious:

The irony, she burn.

Ugh, those parasites.

It seems to me that there is too much of the “Protesting Lady” in the comment from her publicists that “…her only concern is for her child(ren?)…” or whatever it was. Sounds to me like she was a regular trollop, with all of this.

Were these on a gay channel?

Just joking. I’m a regular card.

This makes me feel terrible for ever buying an US Weekly to read on a plane. Poor little thing.

Huh? No wonder Katie Holmes is divorcing Tom Cruise, the very existence of their marriage has made people go loco.

Mr. Shoe has a theory that they married as a contract: she puts up with his crazy ass for seven years, and bears him a child. Time’s up, so now she’s divorcing. And I, too, also hope Suri’s best interests are protected.

Looking at all those pictures makes me want to clutch a security blanket. :frowning: Props to anyone who has to deal with that on a regular basis and doesn’t flip their lid.

I’m quite confident that any bodyguards employed by Tom Cruise are Scientologists, reporting directly to David Miscavige.

What is the Scientology way of bearing babies?


You do realize that Hubbard got that idea from a Christmas carol, right?

Silent Birth

The “contract” idea is so stupid that I can’t believe anyone seriously buys it as the truth.

– Katie Holmes was already rich before she married Cruise.

– Katie Holmes was already an up-and-coming actress before she married Cruise.

So what does she get out of it?

This blog post surmises that the timing is because its getting to be the time Scientologist children start to be audited, and she’s trying to protect Suri from that.

At the end of the above post a lawyer adds his theory that a New York judge won’t be as easy on Scientology as a Los Angeles one would, which will help Katie in a custody fight.

You think the pictures above are bad, imagine all the flashbulbs going off, and the sounds of the cameras clicking and in some cases, paparazzi yelling at Suri to look at them.

Here’s the scum in action.

This is another. The first few seconds are pretty horrifying. Then a kinda creepy song starts that goes with the rest. It was painful to watch. I was going to go looking for more of the same but that was so stomach-churning I just can’t.

Poor little thing is right. She didn’t ask to be born to famous parents. Not that it’ll make any difference at all, but I’m going to actively boycott any site that runs Suri pictures unless those photos are from an official event, like a movie premiere or something, where cameras are expected.

Edit to add…

Hypocrite alert: Ok, I just posted pictures and video of Suri, sigh. I’m not going to boycott The Straight Dope.

I think Katie Holmes is a better actress than she’s been given credit for.

You know who else I post harsh things about, and is a guy I haven’t met?