Tony Danza in a porn??

There’s a rumorgoing around that Tony Danza was in a porn before he was in Taxi. I could find no info on the internet to confirm or deny this. Does anyone have any info that would help out?

There was a skillfully doctored photo (Tony’s head, nudie-boy body) published in In Touch magazine in the 70s. It still crops up from time to time, but it’s not real.

That’s the only “evidence” I’ve ever seen.

Not real…actually MTV onced used the supposed porno in a comedy segment (sans the actual naughtiness all good porn is famous for).

The guy does indeed Tony but…its not him.

This is in the realm of the infamous “Babs” porno. Looks like her but is not her. How they found someone with the same honker though is surprising:eek:

Why do you care?!?!


Why would anyone care!?!?


Tony Danza in a porno?

Well, I just lost my appetite…

Gives a whole new meaning to…
“Who’s the Boss?”
cracks whip!

Now, excuse me while I…


If he was, I’d bet 10 bucks his character was also named “Tony”.

Nah–you have to be a much better actor than Tony to get into porno.

To the question of why anyone would care is that in the 1970s, Tony Danza was a very sexy young man. If you see a (real) photo of him shirtless from that era, you can see that he was an ex-boxer and in terrific shape.

Now, mind you I don’t have any definite proof, but when I was a freshman in college, there was (reportedly) a porno with Tony Danza circulating. The famous scene was where he was slapping his penis across the face of some woman while saying “Who’s your daddy?” One of the dorm teams for a series of games ended up taking that phrase as their team name, for that reason.

I never saw it, and I tried an Internet search for it, with no success. Maybe it’s just an urban legend?

…considering Who’s Your Daddy wasn’t even in use in the 70s… sounds like your college is full of idiots.
Watch someone will have a site that shows “Who’s your daddy” as being from a 1934 Cole Porter song. Damn you dopers!

Okay, FTR, I don’t really care. I was just trying to dispel the rumor, as I could find no evidence for it on the internet, and if you can’t find evidence on the internet, it didn’t happen. Just doin my duty in the War Against Ignorance. Thanks all.

TMI Post

Maybe the rumor stems from the “Who’s the Boss” variation on the Donkey Punch.

I don’t remember making any particular claim of when said film was made. Maybe you could point out to me when I did?

Oh, you youngsters!

The Zombies had a #3 hit in 1969 with “Time of the Season”, recorded in 1967, that opens with the lines, “What’s your name/ Who’s your daddy”.

Tony Danza in a porno:

I’ll bet he said, “OH-A!!! A-OH!!!” when he cums during the money shot.

Y’know the set-up to Who’s The Boss sounds like a porno. Muscular ex-baseball player takes a job as the housekeeper for an uptight, leggy, blonde advertising executive. Her buxom, slutty, redheaded mother is constantly over at the house flirting with the housekeeper and telling the daughter to get laid more.

What a smarmy creep…but in his early days, he looked like about half of the population of Brooklyn…so my guess is, any porno back then would have had someone who looked like him in the right/wrong light…especially after a few beers watching the film alone in the dark with the remote in one hand and…

I actually did a little research into this just because it seemed unlikely and found a 12 minute clip of Danza getting his freak on. It’s on a site called XHamster if you want to do a search.

I believe the name of the film was “Hold Me Closer, Tony Danza.”

This is the man in the video you citewhich is sometimes referenced by people as “Tony Danza’s porn film”

It’s not him. Danza never did a porn film.