Too High To Dope: Stories of a Post-Op Vicodin Prescription.

This is extremely mindless and pointless. Lo ciento.

I recently had fairly minor surgery on my scalp, and was given a hydrocodone prescription for resultant pain. I keep writing posts for various threads, then rereading them and deleting them before posting them because I realize that they’re a string of opiated, doped-up nonsense that’s impossible to follow unless you’re on as much Vicodin as I am.

But hell, I’m having fun and I don’t feel the pain, so all in all I think it’s a success.

Yeah, that stuff is pretty buzzy, ain’t it! Watch out, though. I took it for a few weeks in the summer while I was having dental work done, and I believe I was getting addicted to it. When I stopped, I had mild withdrawal symptoms. I had to take it again last week, and I couldn’t tell where it was having any effect at all. My opioid receptors are wrecked for pain medicine now!

Have a speedy recovery, and be careful.

I’ve done enough drug experimentation in my past (clean for a while now, BTW) that I’m pretty familiar with my brain on opiates and have a good gauge of where I am in terms of use. Plus, of the many drugs I did, I’m pretty sure I never got hooked on anything–I’ve never had a craving or withdrawal for any drug. I am definitely keeping an eye on it, though, and appreciate your concern.

BTW, Vicodin is one of the weaker opiates out there. Back when I was a drug user it didn’t get me high. The only reason it does anything for me now, I’m sure, is because I hadn’t taken drugs in a long time. Have you told your doctor you may have opiate tolerance from the other post-op prescription? You might need something stronger like Endocet.

Huh. I was recently on Vicodin, too, for muscle pain in my back. It helped, but it didn’t knock me flat. Although it did make the furniture really, really comfortable.

I was on Flexeril at the same time, and at least it didn’t make me as loopy this time as it did last time I took it. Last time, I was in college, and I finally stopped taking it when I realized it was messing me up too much to function. I completely lost the ability to distinguish between thought and reality; I would think, “Did I already write that paper, or was I just thinking about writing it?” Just thinking about something was as vivid as a memory. There was no way I could stay in school like that, so I stopped. This time, it just made me sleep really well.

I’ve been on Flexeril for my back and that stuff made me so lightheaded all I wanted to do was sleep! I’m no Soma now and that’s much better, except when combined with Valium. Two Valiums + one Soma = falling down drunk without the alcohol or the hangover.

Er, I’m on Soma now…

I had a small mishap with a meat slicer and was on a bit of Vicodin. I understood immediately what the appeal was. Almost scary.

Sigh. Makes me miss my burst gallbladder.

Vicodin is one of those funny opiates. Some people just love it; others, not so much. I enjoyed the relief from pain it gave me following oral surgery last year, and the feeling of fluffy-headedness, but it wasn’t anything to write home about, IMO.

I took Vicodin after surgery on my cheek to remove a melanoma. It took care of the pain like a charm; I was a little woozy, but I can’t say I actually felt high. When the prescription ran out, I didn’t have a desire to take any more.

When I took vicodin, I felt nothing. No pain relief, nothing. Darveset(sp?) on the other hand, that did wonders.

While I was out of the house on Saturday, my roommate’s dog (a 65ish pound Boxer-Mastiff mix) got into my room last Saturday, found the bottle of Vicodin that was left over from when I broke my finger over the summer, chewed off the top, and managed to swallow a pill. She was fine, but she was pretty glassy-eyed most of the afternoon.

As for me, Vicodin helped me out for about 4 or 5 days when I broke my finger. After that, i didn’t seem to be doing anything for me. Fearing that I might be building a tolerance, I stopped taking it (hence the pills left over for the dog).

I might take it again though if I hurt myself bad enough to need it. I have to say that the dreams it gave me were pretty interesting.

I took it for a few days after surgery a few years ago. It worked nicely on the pain but I absolutely hated the way it made my head buzz. I will never understand why some people think it’s so much fun. But I’d take it again. Good stuff, even with the buzziness.

I had vicodin when I had my wisdom teeth out when I was in high school. HATED it. I took maybe two pills, and that was it.

I guess I wasn’t meant to be a stoner. I hate that fuzzyheaded feeling.

Vicodin gives me seriously weird dreams.

I think something is wrong with me. My doctor gave me robaxin for muscle spasms after I had an accident in September. Mr. SCL, who is an RN, was warning me about it and how half of one would make him instantly go to sleep. It did nothing for me. Nothing. The label said I could take two at bedtime. Nothing. No sleepiness. No relaxation. Nothing.

I’ve had a few rounds of surgery with several weeks worth of Vicodin in hand on the way from hospital.

I enjoy it for the first two days, then hate it.
It was nice having a bottle around the house though. A few months later when I’d get a screeming headache, half a Vicodin clears it right up.