Toot Your Own Horn Thread

Congratulations to everyone!

Mine is that I hit 70% bodyweight in my top bench set, which is stronger than I had ever expected to be. I can keep up with the boys in my Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class when we do push-ups, burpees, crunches and cardio. I was grappling with a blue belt and afterwards he said in surprise “you are a strong little girl.” :smiley:

As the newest and smallest, I get submitted left and right but I’m always up for a roll. The other day my instructor told a guy to not go easy on me - “she can take it” he said, and I was so pleased. He thinks I’ll be a good competitor in a couple of years because I’m strong for my size, have good movement, and a good work ethic. I don’t know if I am all of those things, but it did make me want to live up to the description.

I am working really hard at putting my life back together since my husband died in March. I am back at work (and doing well) and taking good care of myself. I have been doing lots of beading, keeping both my head and my hands busy.

You and I don’t know each other, but I am very glad to hear this. I followed your story and sent you lots of good thoughts. Good luck for the future.

Thanks, Rascal’s mom. Folks, don’t let me kill this thread. I will feel awful, and we can’t have that, can we? :slight_smile:

Here’s an accomplishment anyone can top/relate to/giggle at: I am proud of myself for having only one bowl of Bluebell Dutch Chocolate Orgas…Ice Cream last night. I wanted two. Hell, I wanted the whole tub.

How’s this: I’ve been eating healthy meals every day for a couple of weeks now, which is amazing to me. I’ve spent several years knowing I needed to improve my diet and agonizing over the particulars and why I couldn’t seem to do it, and now it’s just suddenly happening. I don’t really know what makes this time different from all the dozens of other times I’ve tried. I really hope it sticks.

Brynda, I’m very happy to hear a positive progress report from you, too! Keep up the good work. Time heals.

I am less than 15 classes away from finishing my Bachelor’s degree, and I can CLEP out of at least 2 of those. At 34 I will be running late to the party, but at least I will finally be at the party!

I have also put myself in networking situations more actively, something I thought I would drastically fail at, and I have already received an interview and a call about another position because of it.

Anyway, you are an amazing bunch, and should be thrilled with yourselves!!

My band’s playing a gig tonight, and I’ve written enough new material for another album, though that’s going to take some time & effort to get done, hopefully by the middle of next year.

I also would like to bump this and all of the groovy good vibes that are going on here. I’m loving these lists of good news and accomplishments, we should do this more often!

Tossing the football with my son and some kids at the (football) field near my house. My son says “kick it, Dad”.

I punted the ball nearly 50 yards.

Keep in mind that I’m 49, overweight, and played center when I played football.

It was really cool to see all of those kids watching the ball sail up and over their heads!

Sorry I haven’t gotten to comment on everyone’s good reports. My mother-in-law has been in ICU with bi-lateral pneumonia and we’ve been spending most of our time at the hospital. If anyone can spare a prayer or good thought, we’d appreciate it.

This I like. It is always cool when you can impress your kids.
And further, several of my friends have had a “falling out” of sorts. Nobody has been talking to each other, which has lead to several big emotional gaps.

Last night, three of us agreed to wipe the slate clean and forgive all the misgivings so that we could be friends again.

YAY! I have a social group once again! It has been rough having no friends, but I miss these miserable bastards so much it’s good to have them back in my life!

fathfool, good wishes sent.

Congratuations to everyone!

madrabbitwoman, congratulations, you’ve accomplished a lot but I have to ask, why do ducks in Australia wear dresses?

Sending healing vibes to your MIL and ‘wash your hands 100 times while you are at the hospital’ thoughts to you and yours.

Hospitals are sooo germy.
Last night we had our King’s Ball at our German Club. It was the first time in many years we haven’t been at the head table, which means I didn’t have to wear a formal! I nipped down the Salvation Army the night before and found the coolest sparkley silver and black shirt that is slightly form fitting and a pair of dress trousers that made me look skinny. I looked like I had lost about 20 pounds wearing that outfit. All for under 11 dollars.

I left a trail of glitter at the table through to the bathroom, so that was a plus, in my book.

The other bonus was the fact my two BFF were in their Salvation Army outfits ( both looked smashing) and between the three of us, our total cost output was possibly 35 dollars for clothing and shoes.)

I chased a girl. Not that I stalked her, just that I had the guts ask her out and tried very hard to start a relationship. True, she rejected me after 2 dates, but having been painfully shy with zero self-confidence for as long as I can remember I’m kinda proud. So there.

Hurray, Barking Dog! Great first step!

I’ve finally furnished my condo.

I spent three years living like a hobo in my previous apartment -

Computer desk

almost nothing else. I’ve been working on that since I bought a condo six months ago.

Last weekend I bought a TV to go with my recently acquired living room set (leather couch, loveseat, chair, ottoman, coffee table)

Why, I’m almost to the point where I can have people over without being ashamed about my spartan lifestyle!

Not every duck wears dresses here in OZ. These are special trained *performing *ducks (btw my rabbit also wears outfits on occasion, ie he has his own chainmail vest).

You scored 10 points higher than I did, and I got into every school I applied to. I’m sure you have nothing to worry about. (Um, for people wondering why that would matter for her, what sven and I already know, but not everyone else would, is that she and I went to the same undergrad, both did Peace Corps, and have very similar career ambitions, so my experience is actually really relevant to hers.) Good luck with applications! Such a pain in the ass - the connection in my village internet club went out right when I was about to submit my application to Michigan, and I practically had a panic attack. So I trekked around in the snow at 10pm trying to find someone else with a working connection. I did finally get it in, and almost two years later, here I am!

“Here” being the reading room at school. At 11:10 pm on a Sunday night. Oh, being a grad student is fun.

I guess I’m tooting my own horn that I haven’t given up or something. School is hard.