Tooth Whitening in DC

With Christmas money in my pocket, I think it may be time to invest in getting my teeth whitened. I’ve never been happy with them, and I think it’d be worth it to me to get it done.

Does anyone in DC have a recommendation for a dentist? Cost is going to be my number one factor, but it’d be nice not have to go too far out of the city to get this done.

Lydia Hudson is good and very gentle. Her office is on the lower level of the Carillon House apt building at:

2500 Wisconsin Ave NW.
Suite 110
(between N 37th St & N Davis St)
(202) 337-5353

You can go to the Friendship Heights or Tenleytown station and catch the 31, 32 or 36 bus right there.

Thanks! That is right near me. Do you know an approximate price for in-office whitening?

No, I don’t, sorry. Her staff is very helpful, I’m sure they’d be able to give you an estimate. Also, I do know that if the treatment is expensive they’re willing to work out payment plans.

You might want to call this dentist in DC who recently offered a deal on teeth whitening through the website. This deal is over, but she might be willing to offer you something similar. Or you could sign up on the website and wait for another offer. I see dental offers fairly frequently.

Hi even sven, I’m in NJ, not DC, but I just had a whitening session at my dentist in November. They used something called Zoom. It was amazing. In one session, my teeth went from a beigish/yellow color to A1 on the Vita shade scale. I am extremely happy with the results. The cost for the procedure was $625, but I had a coupon and paid a little less than that. Hope this info helps.

Thanks. That is way out of my price range, but a girl can dream. I’m guessing my best bet is to wait until something shows up on LivingSocial or Groupon.

There is a special today on Living Social, if you haven’t seen it. $79 for some sort of laser whitening treatment.

I know nothing about this dentist or service, this is just an fyi.

There’s a publication called Consumer Checkbook that rates local businesses on quality and price. Here’s their DC site:

They’ve rated dentists, among other things.

The database is available in DC public libraries:

I had good success with a mail order use at home kit. I don’t recall who I ordered it from (pro white maybe) , but it was under $100. They send you the gels and some putty to make a mold of your mouth. You bite on the putty, let it dry, and send it back to them (if you’ve ever had braces, you’ve done this). They make the mouth guard/tray thingee and send it back to you. You then apply the gel and wear the mouth guard for the prescribed time. It’s easy to do, and if you don’t have problems with your teeth there’s no particular reason to go through a dentist. Well, I take that back. The dentist has treatments that work in a couple hours, but for the kits it’s still only 1-2 weeks IIRC. Not worth the $500.