Top 10 RUSH albums

  1. Vapor Trails
  2.  Presto
  3.  Counterparts
  4.  Test for Echo
  5.  Roll the Bones
  6.  Permanent Waves
  7.  2112
  8.  Hemispheres
  9.  Signals
  10.  Moving Pictures

The Rest:

Fly by Night
Caress of Steel
All the World’s A Stage
A Farewell to Kings
Exit …Stage Left
Grace Under Pressure
Power Windows
Hold Your Fire
A Show of Hands
Different Stages

Hey, why is this not being posted to? Barbarians, the lot of you! :slight_smile:

Hokay. Top Ten, eh?

  1. Moving Pictures
  2. Counterparts
  3. Hemispheres
  4. A Farewell to Kings
  5. 2112
  6. Vapor Trails
  7. Power Windows
  8. Grace under Pressure
  9. Signals
  10. Permanent Waves

You are both clearly wrong (it’s true!). The real Top 10 Rush Album list goes like this:

  1. Moving Pictures
  2. Permanent Waves
  3. Vapor Trails
  4. Power Windows
  5. Signals
  6. Grace Under Pressure
  7. 2112
  8. Roll The Bones
  9. Counterparts
  10. Hemispheres

I didn’t consider live albums, but if I did, Different Stages would be in the top few as well. IMHO, ESL and ATWAS leave a bit to be desired.

  1. All the World’s A Stage
  2. Exit …Stage Left
  3. 2112
  4. Moving Pictures
  5. Permanent Waves
  6. RUSH
  7. Caress of Steel
  8. Fly by Night
  9. A Farewell to Kings

I hate everything after Grace Under Pressure.

Fine, but that doesn’t excuse the absence of Hemispheres!

Mars, I didn’t consider Live albums either.

  1. Farewell to Kings
  2. Grace under Pressure
  3. 2112
  4. Hemispheres
  5. Power Windows
  6. Signals
  7. All the World’s a Stage
  8. Permanent Waves
  9. Moving Pictures
  10. Different Stages

This particular order is approximate and I have live bootlegs that I listen to as much as or more than any album. Live recordings are essential to the canon and must be considered.

Oh no! I forgot Hemispheres! Urrg. I put that at #6 so my revised list:

  1. All the World’s A Stage
  2. Exit …Stage Left
  3. 2112
  4. Moving Pictures
  5. Permanent Waves
  6. Hemispheres
  7. RUSH
  8. Caress of Steel
  9. Fly by Night
  10. A Farewell to Kings
  1. Hemispheres
  2. Counterparts
  3. Signals
  4. Moving Pictures
  5. A Farewell to Kings
  6. Permanent Waves
  7. Grace Under Pressure
  8. Presto

That’s it. I like individual songs from most of the other albums, but not enough to buy them.

And, I know this makes me a heretic, but I thought “2112” reeked. With the exception of ELP’s “Love Beach,” I can’t think of an album I liked less by a band I like as much.

Shoot…I don’t even OWN that many albums. I’ll just take everyone’s word for it and go back to listening to Chronicles.

I own four of them, which I would rank:

1 Moving pictures
2 A farewell to kings
3 Hemispheres
4 Permanent waves

I’m very disapointed that more people haven’t listed Presto. Excellent album; in the top 3 or 4 for Rush, IMO.

I think a lot of it has to do with which “era” you discovered Rush. For many who discovered Rush in the 70’s, all the synth stuff “sucks”. For those like me who came on board in the Signals\GuP era, an album like Presto was disappointing because it represents the beginning of a shift in style. YMMV.

Interestingly enough, if I had to rate my “favorite” Rush album based solely on listen time, it would have to be Different Stages. Man, that thing is awesome! Doesnt a week go by that I dont listen to that thing.

heres mine, excluding live albums and in no special order, but the higher on the list, the more i like them, but to nail them down 1-10 was too hard for me:

moving pictures
permanent waves
fly by night
caress of steel
farewell to kings

not a huge fan of the newer stuff. found Vapor Trails at the used record shop and snagged it, but havent had too much time to “study” it to see if i am back into the Rush scene…

heres mine, excluding live albums and in no special order, but the higher on the list, the more i like them, but to nail them down 1-10 was too hard for me:

moving pictures
permanent waves
fly by night
caress of steel
farewell to kings

not a huge fan of the newer stuff. found Vapor Trails at the used record shop and snagged it, but havent had too much time to “study” it to see if i am back into the Rush scene…