Town and Country Minivan Cargo Dimensions

I need to transport some tradeshow display stuff as well as 4 people and I am thinking of renting a Town and Country minivan from Hertz. If any dopers own one of these I’d really appreciate it if you could measure the cargo area and see if a 48"x63" table top would fit with the 3rd seat folded down.

If you take the seats out, you can fit a sheet of plywood 4’x8’ Not sure if that’s the answer you are looking for.

This site gives dimensions (scroll to bottom), but everything’s in cubic feet. Except for maximum cargo height.

Maximum Cargo Height, SE, LX 48.56"

Maximum Cargo Height, SXT, Touring, Limited 46.16"

Tight fit. Just looking at the size of your table (4’ x 6’ 3") I’d say no. Even if you could squeeze the table in at an angle, there’s no way you could get all six feet of it in with the second row seats in place.

Okay, FIVE feet. (Missed the edit window)

Still kinda tight. May be better to rent a cargo van for the stuff and a compact car for the people.

I need to leave the 2nd row of seats in.

You might want to rent a trailer instead of a cargo van, haul behind your people mover.

Ahem. This site. (Boy am I an idiot.)

I regularly haul trade show display stuff around in a Ford Windstar. I think your only chance for fitting the table is to take the 3rd seat out (or stow it, if you get a van that does that), put your folks in the 2nd seat, and slide the table (on it’s edge) into the space between the door and the seat.

Someone needs to redesign your trade show display! :wink: A table top that’s 4 x 5 feet is a really awkward size – but you already knew that, didn’t you?