Trading Spaces Family Debuts: or, Never Work With Kids or Hildi

The debut episode of Trading Spaces Family, a spin-off of trading Spaces with the gimmick being that entire families trade spaces rather than just a couple.

First, the rooms. Hildi’s room was cool. I thought the HOs were going to hate it because the one son was going on about hating purple but everyone seemed to like it. I like purple so of course I was happy. It looked like one of the thrift store chairs didn’t get painted completely. In the “pre-reveal” it looked likr the back of one was still brown. The panel worked well and thank god they got a TV in there that wasn’t encased in wood. Doug’s room was not as good. I hated the cherubs he stuck on the wall. Those would be the first things that would hit the bin if it were my house. Again with the fireplace issue, but I loved the huge mantle they fit over the existing one.

I liked Joe the host OK. He seemed a little earnest but maybe he was nervous being a ewbie. Did anyone else get a gay vibe? Maybe it’s just because he’s acute guy who knows aomething about interior design.

Hildi interacting with children was faintly ridiculous. The whole get the kids involved thing seems really forced, and some of the bits with the kids were horrible. That little “design diva” scene with the littlest girl was just painful to watch. Doug seemed slightly more at ease with the kids, but his interaction with the one girl was a little uncomfortable. I don’t know what it was exactly. Maybe a grown man blotching color on a little girl’s leg should just not happen.

Nowhere near enough Carter. Why have a slab of beef on the show if you’re not going to showcase him? No Carter Oosterhouse Porn Star Quote of the Week[super]TM[/super] which I guess is appropriate for a family show.

I’m usually not home Sunday nights so the question for me is tape or not to tape? I’m thinking I’ll give it a couple more shots but I’m not a big fan of children so depending on how kid-centric this turns out to be I may or may not keep watching.

Ugh. Kids.

I watched it because it was Trading Spaces, but once was enough. I’m annoyed when they do kids rooms and have whiny little children during the reveals on the original series. Having kids throughout the ep is just too much.

And that host. Ugh again. He was just too goody goody. Paige is perky, but she’s a girl, she’s allowed. Perky men are not good.

One the other hand, there was some Carter beefcake action going on. Not nearly enough, of course, but some. That helped.