I’m not sure where to put this so mods please feel free to do with it what you wish. My heart goes out to the family of this pregnant woman who has been missing for several days. Two year old son says: “mommy’s in the rug! Mommy broke the table!!”
That’s all he is saying.
The grandmother went to the home and found the bedroom ransacked, the linens and comforter taken off the bed, and bleach poured everywhere.
So, both of her children were fathered by a local cop, who was married to someone else (and is now estranged from his wife)? Is that what I’m understanding? Yeah, not too hard to zero in on a few suspects here, is it? That poor little boy.
All I know is that every time one of these cases surfaces, I remind my husband that if he doesn’t want to hang out with me anymore, he needs to get divorce papers drawn up instead of bludgeoning me to death.
Most pregnant women are relatively young and healthy, plus they’re probably less inclined to engage in risky behaviors while carrying a child, so it makes sense that their risk of death from non-violent causes is probably lower than the general population.
I’ve heard before that the vast majority of women who are murdered are killed by their boyfriend/partner/husband, and pregnancy certainly can put stress on a relationship, so it is easy to see how an unbalanced man who is prone to violence might be especially prone to snapping during his partner’s pregnancy.
It’s heart-breaking that the poor little boy had to witness something like this, and now will most likely grow up without any parents. It seems pretty clear that the cop guy had something to do with it (how interesting that the person who killed her had the foresight to destroy the DNA evidence, almost if they were familiar with law enforcement evidence-gathering…)
This saddens me, but it’s because she lives about two miles from my house and this has been all over our news for the past 3 days. My husband also went to high school with a girl who had a child in 1998 by the police officer (who was in the news several years ago for ‘losing’ his service revolver - later found to be taken by his cousin).
I still suspect the wife. She either called off work on Friday, or left work early, and then was missing for a period of time (may still be missing). Something’s fishy with her.
There is, indeed, a tangled web here that must be unknotted. I don’t necessarily equate Ms. Davis with Laci Peterson, however. Call me a judgemental old fart, but there’s a moral difference between being pregnant with the progeny of your marriage and being knocked up by another woman’s husband. Twice.
Beyond that, of course, there’s no difference – a victim is a victim and a murder is a murder. We naturally react more emotionally to the death of a pregnant woman because she is in the process of doing that which defines her femaleness – bringing new life, and thus new hope, into the world.
Moral difference? I don’t think the case was being compared to Laci Peterson’s because both had the same level personal ethics; I’m pretty sure it had something to do with the whole murder of a pregnant woman aspect.
Or like maybe they’d watched CSI a couple of times…
I mean, it could have been the cop guy, but it doesn’t take a law-enforcement evidence-gathering expert to think that maybe you should try and clean up blood with bleach before the cops find it.
I was going to say the same thing. However, what it does say to the alleged killer, is that they did something foul, that they wanted to cover up.
My hope is, that it is not ANOTHER woman who has been watching this woman…who killed her for her baby. This is well documented as well, that it has happened before. Spoiler tag for graphic violence…
I just hope they didn’t incise the baby out of her womb on the bed, then covered it up…
Looking at the estranged wife makes more sense to me. If the father did it, it seems like he would have taken his son with him (or else killed him too.) If the wife and the dad broke up over his getting another woman pregnant (do I have the story right here?) then maybe she snapped and wanted to get rid of the woman and the coming baby who were a threat to her.
Jeez, I grew up in No. Canton, went to grade school there, before we moved to Cuyahoga Falls when I was 13. That was in the 40’s. It’s the original home of the Hoover Vacuum Co.
I hope everything turns out OK :dubious: , but I was struck by the following passage in the linked news story:
“Porter said that when she didn’t hear from her daughter all day Thursday, she went to check on her Friday morning at her home near North Canton and found Blake home alone with a dirty diaper. “That was really out of character. The smell in the house was really overwhelming,” Porter said Monday on “The Early Show.””
It’s been the home of Hoover for awhile, although they’re about to go away (I live about 1/2 mile from Hoover). There’s a big concern right now as to whether or not they’re going to donate the high school’s current baseball fields/stadium parking to the school or sell the land - it looks like they’re planning to sell the land.
As far as the baby found in Wooster, local news outlets are reporting that she is Jessie Davis’ baby girl, but I don’t see how they could have determined that already.