
For my birthday (33rd) my wonderful husband has gotten me a trampoline! It was my birthday on the 20th but we’re going to pick it up tonight (26th). I’m so happy, I’ve wanted a trampoline since i was a wee little thing. I also have wanted a drum set for years but I worry about the kitties little ears. I’m sooo happy!!! runs off to jump, jump, jump…
~The Arty formerly known as Jackalope.

::bouncy bouncy::

That is the sweetest thing! Happy birthday, Arty!

Happy birthday!

That’s a great present, just be careful and don’t knee yourself in the nose like I… um, a friend of mine did.

Have fun!

Is it one of those really big ones? IU love those and have one, well, sorta. Over the last few years it has started to get old resulting in the springs more than once breaking and shooting off like a rocket after a jump.

Have fun, and take better care of yours then I did mine!

Be careful, and wear a nice constricting sports bra.

Don’t get your flesh caught in the springs. Or the hooks.
Just jump in da midda.

yes it is a big one, 14 feet in diameter! woo hoo! but i cant use it tonight because its stormy out. in fact on the way home from picking it up lightning struck the side of the road beside us and started a forest fire. I was really surprised how fast it spread. anyway we quickly called 911 and other people stopped and started pulling debris away from the fire. fortunatly its really raining out so that should help.

Make sure you’ve got those safety mats for the springs.
Oh, and try not to bounce into trees.
Or jumping off the roof onto a trampoline and bouncing into a pool.
Or get two people jumping to see if you can reach resonance so you jump twice as high.

They’re great things aren’t they :slight_smile:

Watch out! Those things are kid magnets!!! We bought a 15 footer for our two kids. Thank god the neighbor had to buy one for a birthday present! It’s hard at times to just go out there for a few minutes of family time without getting half the neighborhood kids hanging around outside your fence.

I don’t remember getting so tired on those things when I was younger. I know I’m WAY out of shape, but I can barely last 2 minutes on that thing.

jumpy jumpy

Can I come over? :slight_smile:

Monza305, when i told a friend that i was getting a trampoline he said “you’ll end up with legs like a moose!”

i’m hoping it will be a workout as bikini season is upon us!

rabid-squirrel, as soon as its set up my husband and i are going to jump on it at the same time and totally freak eachother out with the double bouncing thing! thats so scarey but so exciting and excilerating! (sp?)

sure dogchow! bring your friends and we’ll have a boinging party!

(is it just me or does that sound really rude?)

Learn how to flip completly upside down for me. If that’s safe to do, that is. Don’t come running to me if you break your neck!