Transgendered ?

Inspired by the 'luci Reports to Ms Persson’s Office for Scolding and Correction thread.

Several months ago I rented a porn video. It started out simple enough. Two gorgeous well breasted women fellating two separate men. After several minutes, the two gorgeous women were suddenly sodomizing the two men. The rest of the video was more of the same with different actors/actresses.

Do these “girls” qualify as transgendered ? They obviously were comfortable being in gender limbo. I suspect that they are not transgendered per se but have a fetish within the gay milieu.

This kind of “chicks with dicks” scene is more a fetish within the straight milieu.

Yes, “shemale” porn is normally found in the straight section and is mostly consumed by straight men. If you go on boards devoted to people with this fetish, you will notice that they always refer to the women involved as “ladies” or “girls.” There are many different reasons for why this is so. Some theorize that women with penes are less intimidating. A man has a penis, so he theoretically knows how to please a woman with a penis. Also, males are considered more sexual than females, so a woman with a penis is considered to have a male sex drive and would be much eager to hop in bed. Furthermore, a lot of straight men have fantasies about giving head or being fucked. They are not attracted to males and would not want to have a gay experience. Women with strap-ons and “shemales” can provide this experience without threatening his heterosexuality. As for the “shemales” themselves, some of them are non-ops and some of them are just trying to get money to further their transition. They identify as straight as well.

To clarify: Were they using strap-ons, or their own OEM equipment? If the latter, then they were definitely transsexual, but may or may not have been transgendered (I’m not sure if “transgendered” is even applicable to a person who is physically transsexual). If they were using strap-ons, well, who knows? Would it make any difference if it were two women using strap-ons on each other, rather than on men?

Of course, you also have to keep in mind that many porn performers take roles for pay which they wouldn’t necessarily choose on their own. Most “lesbians” in porn prefer men, but do girl-girl scenes because they pay well. Likely, the same is true for some or many of those doing role-reversal scenes.

Trans surgery is expensive. Jobs where you can be out as trans can be hard to find. Porn and prostitution can look like the most viable work under those circumstances.