Translation Help. Hungarian? .HU Domain.

I’m kind of curious what this site says, for obvious reasons. It’s a reworked Citroen, but that’s about all I can figure out.

Hmmmm… that’s stretching my Hungarian fluency a bit, but it basically says…

I brought together the characteristics of a Tucker with a Citroen C5 for the extravagance of it, wrote Ppala about his first, legendary track-work.

Then above it it wants you to vote on how many points it gets.

Poking around a bit, the site keeps calling them ‘virtual’ creations. I don’t think those cars exist in real life quite as they appear.

Sure doesn’t look like the last Tucker I sat in.

No, they don’t, and I’ve seen that reworked Citroen before, but I can’t recall who did it.

Kreekurmudgeon, which Tucker did you sit in?

I don’t know which one, but it was the one Mr. Tucker himself was touring the country with. My best guess is late 1940s at the Louisiana State Fair at Shreveport, but not positive. I was a mere lad of a boy and I had kinda wormed my way through the crowd the way boys are apt to do. I guess I was standing there in awe because I had never seen such a sight, and the Great One picked me up and sat me in the driver’s seat and whispered, “Look but don’t touch.” And that’s about all I can tell you about it.

Hmm, there’s a small number of them that he took on tour with him, but I can’t recall which ones. You wouldn’t happen to remember what color the car was, would you?

Sorry, TF, but I just don’t recall. Dark green comes to mind, but that could be a fignewton of a time-warped rememberer. I mostly remember being awed at the shiny beauty and the futuristic stuff and this man named the same as the car selecting me to sit in it, much to the envy of my buddies.

Hey, I’m jealous! I’ve never gotten to sit in one! I think one of the books I have on the Tucker says which ones he took on tour and where he went with them. Guess I’ll have to stop being so lazy and dig 'em up to find out.