Travel to, and inexpensive accomodations in, NYC

I was wondering if it’d be possible for me to travel from Montreal to New York City and back, around the first week of January. I wonder if it’d be hard to book a bus or train (preferably the train) there, for early January, at this point in time. (I’ve taken the train there before once, and it’s nice, although it takes the entire day to get there.)

I’m also wondering if I’d be able to find relatively inexpensive accommodations in NYC, or if they’d all be booked too. Someone suggested the YMCA to me - anyone have any experience staying there? I mean, I seem to remember hearing somewhere that it’s fun to stay at the YMCA;), but I’m wondering what it’d be actually like. I’m open to other accommodation ideas as well.

I’ve heard good things about the Larchmont, on West Eleventh about halfway between Washington Square and Union Square.

The VIA site says to book travel to NY on Amtrak. On the Amtrak site I see the Adirondack train route does one daily run each way that runs some 11 hours (leave in the morning, arrive in the evening), with tickets available for purchase that week for between $67 and $75 each way. As to rooming, depends on specific dates and it would help if you were able to tell us what you’d call “inexpensive”. I just priced available accommodations for 1-10 Jan @ $90/night @ Ramada East Side (Lexington Ave.) and at the aforementioned Larchmont (with a 5-nights-for-the-price-of-4 offer); which to me would be a steal in Manhattan.

I’m not sure how inexpensive you’re thinking, but the Hotel Newton was pretty cheap compared with others, and we liked it a lot.

Yeah, I’ve done the Amtrak thing before. The 69 train (tee-hee.:slight_smile: )

As for accommodations, I think I’d prefer under $50 a night, though I’m not sure if that’d be possible.

You might want to check out the listings at HostelWorld; they have reviews for the YMCA and lots of other hostels / guesthouses / cheap hotels, and you can search availability by date.

Thanks. I’ve never stayed in a hostel, though. I might have problems if I have to share rooms with other people, but maybe I’m being too picky. I’ll look into it though.

You might want to check out

They facilitate renting out rooms in private homes for short stays. Wildly popular in NYC.

Please note, it is a pecularity of NY law that it is only legal to rent a residential apartment for short term stays if the owner/tenant remains on the premises, Bed & breakfast style. You will see listings for the type of rental where you rent the apartment for yourself for a week – be wary, these are illegal. If you choose to go the latter route, be aware your reservations can be cancelled on a moment’s notice, you could even be evicted during your stay and you have no recourse. The state AG is hot to crack down as he feels it steals hotel taxes from state coffers.

Thanks for adding that. I remembered hearing about problems, but couldn’t immediately recall what the issues were. Thanks for clarifying.

I’ll agree with Fretful Porpentine, <$50/night you may want to look into the hostel side of things (and I see YMCA is listed by HostelWorld) if you want to be anywhere reasonably close.

No problem. it’s still a good idea as long as you do it right; unfortunately Airbnb does not in any way make clear that there’s a legal problem with the “entire place” option. Which, even if they are fighting the law (which they are), is very, very deceptive.

Hosteling International as a hostel on the upper west side. Website here. But OP might need to adjust expectations. $57 will only get you a bed in a 8-person room, even there.

It looks like there may be some good stuff there. thanks.

You can hang out with all the boys there.