Traveling with cake- have questions

I baked a carrot cake this morning and will be taking it in the car with me today to it to its Easter destination where I will frost it tomorrow and serve on Sunday.

I’m leaving the layers in their pans for the trip (I’ve already removed them to racks so that I’m certain no sticking will happen- thank you, parchment paper!)

Can I feel confident that leaving them for a day in the pans covered with wrap will not lose any (or much) moisture? Any concern that the pans will impart bad flavor? The pans are good, heavy quality aluminum.

I traveled from North Carolina to New York (Long Island) with a 12 inch cake layer still in it’s pan (already a day old) covered in plastic wrap. It was fine.

I think you’re good.

Yeah, they’ll be fine. Remember, cakes used to be kept around for days at a time in covered containers. They do get stale eventually, but for a day or two you’ll be fine.

As for the flavor, as well as for general moisture retention, if I were you I’d carefully remove the layers from the pans, peel off the parchment paper, wrap them in cling film, and put them back in the washed and dried pans for protection during the trip. They’ll be easier to handle when you get them to their destination and you won’t have soggy parchment paper stuck to them, plus your pans will be nice and clean.