Let’s say you have a fellow, a Canadian, in his 30s (said fellow, for the record, is not me, but a purely hypothetical fellow invented over a beer with a friend).
This fellow has been working for a few years in business, but doesn’t really have much in the way of money and assets. He’d like to see the world. What is the best way for him to do so, short of joining the military. My thoughts had been that he could join the Peace Corps or Greenpeace or some similar organization that requires people in different parts of the world, but my friend said that our subject would probably be required to pay his own airfare and such to get from place to place. He further suggested that the Peace Corps would be out, as foreigners cannot join.
What are your thoughts? How could a person without money travel the world, assuming that he or she was willing to volunteer for some organization to do humanitarian work or whatever?