You know, the movie. Who else thinks that is one of the best movies ever created?
I thought it was great fun, and certainly worth watching more than once, (which, for me, is saying something), but I wouldn’t rank it up there with, say, Casablanca.
Well, me, if you’re talking about “monster” movies. And a few others here like it too, I suspect.
I referred to it as a B movie once, and someone (Ike, maybe?) enlightened me. Apparently Tremors isn’t a B movie, and the reviews were pretty good, especially for a critter flick.
I liked it, mainly because of the '60s Jeep pickup the guys drove.
I enjoyed it. I think it succeeded in being what it set out to be. (Pretentious? Moi?).
I liked the acting, and the logical approach to dealing with the monsters.
I rate Terminator highly as well, for similar reasons.
loved it!
thought it was hilarious!
…and after the movie, my date and I went home and had the best g_ddamn sex I ever had.
…although, I don’t think the movie had anything to do with that.
Loved the movie. Especially Micheal J Foxes dad and his wife the country singer. Nothing like survivalists to add comic relief.
I too, liked Tremors. I like the sequel just as well. The best part about the movies is that they are entertaining and that they don’t pretend to be something they’re not.
IMHO, the second one was absolutely hilarious.
Spoiler for one joke in Tremors 2
The survivalist guy (forgot his name), who we’ve been led to believe was killed, limps up to the others. He’s battered, his clothing torn, and he looks like hell. Haltingly, he says, “I … am … completely … out of ammo!” I just about died laughing.
Tremors kicked ass. (We had an impromptu Fred Ward night and saw Tremors and Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins.)
Three bits of advice regarding Tremors: 1. don’t see the sanitized TV version, 2. the sequel wasn’t as good (sorry, BK!), and 3. gummy worms over popcorn.
[it]Tremors* rocked! Or, er, I guess, trembled.
Amazing flick. My roommates mock me, but I loved it.
Goddamn praise the Lord.
Pardon my French.
…or something
I loved that movie. It’s one of my all time faves… Not much beats it for sheer comedic value. The second one wasn’t as good, but they make for a good marathon.
Is there anybody around who didn’t like it?
The best thing about it, I think, is that it manages to be funny while still taking the genre seriously. Most of the movies I’ve seen that try to be a comedy in some genre seem to do it mostly with ridicule.
Loved it!
Loved it! I have the Collector’s Edition DVD. Tremors is a smart, funny satire of the 1950’s giant critter genre while still having a few thrills of its own.
Put me down as loving it too! The enhanced DVD just ups the ante!
and another “pro” vote. My favorite scene is when the monster starts in by the basement for (Micheal Gross and Reba McIntire), they pan back and you see the entire wall of guns etc.
Another good line “Cannon fuse? why do you have cannon fuse?” “for my cannon.”
Thumbs up from me too. It’s one of those movies I push on people when I find out they haven’t seen it. (Continuing a conversational thread I was having over beer last night.)
“Hey, I found the ass end!”