Trendy catch phrases you've had enough of...

I’m another hater of “baby daddy”.

I was indifferent of it until one day I was watching a Judge/Courtroom type show and the plaintiff kept using it to refer to the defendant who was three feet away from her.

Judge: Ok, Stupid Bitch, tell me what happened.

Stupid Bitch: Well, my baby daddy came over to…

Judge: Excuse me? What?

Stupid Bitch: What?

Judge: Baby daddy?

Stupid Bitch: Yeah my baby daddy.

Judge: Who is the “baby daddy”?

Stupid Bitch: Stupid dude over there.

Judge: Ok.

Stupdi Bitch: As I sa’in, my baby daddy…

And its partner, regifted.

I like “cashy” - I think I will endeavour to use that as often as possible. :slight_smile:

I dunno; “sperm donor” is just so cold.

Every time I read alum meaning alumnus or alums meaning alumni, I cringe. Alum is potassium aluminum sulfate. How hard would it be to add -i to alum or -nu- into alums? I won’t even start about where to put an -a or -ae.

The only thing that I’ll agree with here are the ‘baby talk’ type things (like ‘sammich’) which drive me crazy. The rest of the rants just sound like a bunch of old people complaining about those youngins with their crazy speech and no respect for their elders!

Colloquialisms are a fact of life and will continue for as long as language exists. I mean, really… :wink:

I was thinking the same thing. I like it.

This has meaning, though, and is actually useful to the language. The person is saying, “I’m paraphrasing here…don’t quote me.”

I realized, just now, with this post, how old and internet unhip I am. I actually thought “cool story, bro” was used unironically. I often did find the posts that prompted it to be kinda cool stories, if a bit trivial.

There are so many reasons to want to slap the smirk off Christopher Kimball, but “mouthfeel” is not one of them.
In addition to the explanations upthread, mouthfeel can also be used to describe the change in how the food feels when it warms in the mouth.

I thought it was a compliment. I am so very old and unhip. :frowning:

Honestly I don’t even think it was the words, “baby daddy” that set me off. The chick on the show was such a bitch and it sounded like she was trying to be as disrespectful as possible to the guy. He was standing three feet away and through the whole ten minutes or so she kept calling him that instead of his name.

If she had used a different phrase then I would be hating that one instead of “baby daddy”.

I’m pretty tired of “and then I took an arrow to the knee.”

I think discussing food in too much detail is unappetizing. At some point you’re just talking about digestion. I don’t want to hear all about how the food feels when it warms in my mouth and goes down my esophagus and mixes with my stomach acid and travels through my intestines.

"Epic fail."

“Epic” anything. That word is played.

Two phrases that I first noticed on the internet in the past 6 months or so that have now started leaking into real life, and really need to stop:

When someone uses the words “All of the XXX” to refer to an enormous amount of something. As in “Brian was absolutely hammered last night, apparently he drank ALL OF THE DRINKS” or “How much cocaine did Rick James do? ALL OF THE COCAINE!” I’m a daily reader of Cracked, and this phrase now appears in at least 40% of their new articles.

Also, any version of the phrase “Not a single fuck was given today.” Sometimes it’s written as “Today, not a single fuck was given,” or “A single fuck shall not today be given,” etc. I have a Facebook friend who posts some variation on this theme at least once a week (usually on Monday or Friday) and it drives me nuts.

This isn’t trendy in the slightest but a coworker the other day referred to snacks as “goodies” and I damn near died. I don’t know why either. She has a sing-song whiny voice, so maybe that has something to do with it. But the thing is, she said it in an email.

Epic pisses me off because whatever the person is talking about isn’t.

YOLO makes me wan to SOSO (stab out some organs).

Staycation seems to have died. This is as it should be.

One I’d like to see get started, if it hasn’t already (I’m old; what do I know) I heard like this: son and friend came up with a plan to get rich. His friend said, “We could make tens of dollars!” Made me laugh.

The same coworker also tries to be cute by saying “what had happened was…” whenever you ask her to explain something. At least twice a day she’ll slip into this obnoxious routine.

I know I need a vacation soon. Like Amber from that train wreck of a series Teen Mom, I don’t know how sane I can stay any longer!

Speaking of vacation, “Vacay.” Pronounced VAY-cay.

“Just booking a quick vacay.”

I’m also on record hating “veggies”.

I think it’s time to give up this thread being only about trendy. It’s become more of a “any saying or phrase you don’t like.” Oh well. At least that beats “I know this isn’t trendy but…” :rolleyes: Hey I think I’ll go find a thread on soccer and post something that starts with “I know this has nothing to do with soccer, but…”

Actually “fail” used in that way got very old very quickly. Happily, it seems to be fading quickly as well, at least around here.