troll alert: ignore bmerton

I do know how to close tags


I just get slack sometimes.

Well, if you are a guy then you should get slacks all the time, you’d look pretty weird in a dress. OTOH, if you are a female then a nice pair of slacks, a nice skirt, and a summer dress would be just right.

Jinkeys!! I would think that slacks, a skirt and a summer dress would be pretty uncomfortable.

Jinkeys!! I would think that slacks, a skirt and a summer dress would be pretty uncomfortable.

Maybe we could introduce them to JDT’s uncut sons.

[Astro voice]
Rorry, Reorge.
[/Astro voice]

Now if I answered that I’d just feed your fascination, wouldn’t I? Scurry off and sniff the boards yourself if you want to…if you’re really fascinated with trolls…just don’t ask for more help from me.

And try not to think of a large white horse.


I read my post over again. And I didn’t see anything about asking you what post it was. Did you read something in it that I didn’t say?


Was that aimed at me? I read over my nic again, and didn’t see those initials. Did you read something into my name that isn’t there?

Tease, tease.


Nah…I just can’t type.

Nah, he just truncated your name. Or you could say he decided to round down.
