Trolls R Us redux [Now the argument clinic]

Maybe the White Whale will eat him.

Thread closed and troll warned.

I’d like to add FriendlyCurmudgeon to the list. First, he spouts off some both-sides nonsense, then when called on it, drops some bullshit cite and claims he’s off to a swinger party. This is in the “I pit normal good Republicans” pit thread, which I don’t want to link to as it only risks FC coming here to stink up this thread as well. When he’s done swinging.

Right wing troll whines about RW trolls being moderated:

Interesting that in that thread, most of the posters are against the thread being closed (and apparently against the warning, although most of them don’t speak about that directly. I don’t know those posters well enough to be able to identify them as right-wing apologists or otherwise. They also seem to have read a different thread from the one I read. Yes, there were a lot of helpful posts from other posters, but the OP, aside from some bobbing and weaving to make it seem like he was absorbing some of it, was persistently unwilling to take much of it in, until he finally called uncle and stepped out of the thread.

I also note in his “apology” about “misunderstanding” my post and Velocity’s post “at 3am”, that based on posting times, he must live somewhere in the mid-Atlantic.

You really should go in and give a counterargument, rather than just talking about it here, as the posters don’t seem to have thought to check here first. It’s always where I go if someone is accused of trolling, as this is where the evidence will be.

And of course you’d ignore all the LW people who disagree with the moderation. Hari seems like a decent guy and mod but his habit of putting some snarky personal opinion into his rulings does stand out.

Oh my, where’s my fainting couch? If only there was a long-standing tradition of mods being snarky in warnings we could look back on, but, alas no…

I’m starting to wonder if some dopers just like being trolled. I guess it’s someone to talk/lecture at.

Well, everyone likes a dumb person to explain things to or make fun of.

No thanks. I don’t have a counterargument, I only have my own observations and the subjective conclusions that arise from them, The thread appears to be appropriately dying, and the poster in question has said he is going to go back to lurking (perhaps to learn a better bag of tricks). This incident is closed as far as I’m concerned. If this poster pops up again and is noticed by someone who reads this thread, it will have served its purpose.

Huh? Yeah, you do. You have what you said in this very thread. You pointed out that your interpretation of the thread is very different from what they are claiming happened. That’s a counterargument.

I have to admit I don’t understand this sort of thing. You’re all fired up calling this guy a troll, but when it seems they may get their warning reversed, you don’t want to at least make sure that your argument is given a fair shake before the decision is made.

It’s why I found it so weird that someone asked if I reported someone I thought was a sock. Of course I did. Why wouldn’t I?

Guilty as charged, Your Honor (not about enjoying the trolling per se, but about never being able to resist an opportunity for a good 'splain).

I am also utterly crap at being able to judge tone to detect when somebody is really trolling or just clueless. In fact, I suspect that a lot of so-called trolls really fall somewhere between the two categories: they’re not really sure of their ground but they’re afraid to expose their ignorance in an honest discussion, so they play it “ironically” by thinking they’re just pretending to ask dumb and/or controversial questions.

Not always. I’m mean, you’re not that popular around here.

I was about to explain how lame that was but you’re not catching me, trolly mctroll.

That’s not an argument, that’s an opinion.

There is a difference between reporting bad behavior to the mods (I reported the lies about what my post said, which I believe got the mod wagon rolling) and arguing to all and sundry about whether someone is a troll or not. If you have evidence of something, by all means report it. But I don’t feel obliged to jump into every argument about who is a troll, as the decision-makers are fully capable of reading the thread and making up their own minds. This one has been warned and the thread closed. I doubt if either of those will be rescinded, but if they are, it’s not a tragedy.

I’m not especially fired up about them being a troll. I was more fired up about them lying about my post (and then pretending it was a misunderstanding).

C’mon, who doesn’t like CarnalK? I’ve heard that some people even liked RealityCheck71 and Crunched_Frog as well.

Some people just love the sound of their own voice.

“No, I’m fighting ignorance” – LOL

It’s that Canadian way that they say “sorry”.

Of course, I’ve never heard any of his trocks say that word.

Yeah, that was some pretty powerful JAQing.

No way that wasn’t a troll.