Trolls R Us redux [Now the argument clinic]

I’m pretty sure it went like this:

“Whatcha got there?”

“Bucket of clams.”

“There ain’t no clams in that bucket”

“Clams are sold. All I gots left is this clam juice.”

“Whatcha gonna do with the clam juice?”

“I was thinkin’ of drinking it”

“Jesus Vern! That’s disgusting! At least mix something with it so you don’t puke!”

< adds tomato juice > “There.”

“Still disgusting. Add some booze at least to cut the clam aftertaste”

< adds vodka > “There”

“Nope. Can still taste the clams. Try this” < digs in back of fridge for old crusted over Worcestershire sauce that nobody had touched in a decade, digs in back of spice cupboard for first thing that comes to hand >

“Better. Let’s sell it to some stupid tourists”

Yeah, I struggle with the idea that there are people who actually want a drink that tastes like clams.

Gym rats like it because it helps you mussel up.

I’m not completely shoaled on that pun.

Someone should conch you on the head for that.

Everybody here better clam up about this nasty drink or I’m gonna use this tomahawk to scallop some people.

Back when Cracked was funny they did a video series called “Agents of Cracked.” In one episode one of the main characters goes into a bar and asks for the worst possible drink and the bartender gives him a mix of apricot brandy and Clamato :nauseated_face: He calls it “clampricot shandy.”

I love shellfish but the thought of drinking clam flavor stuff cold grosses me out.

Raw oysters and cooked mussels are often eaten cold. IMO clamato isn’t bad; just pointless.

Clamato is the Canadian equivalent of a sheep’s eyeball. Except it’s not for suckering tourists, they actually drink that shit! There isn’t enough vodka in the world to get me to drink a Caesar.

The one time I tried one resulted in stabbing pains.

I et two. Brutal…

Go to your room and think about what you did. And don’t come out until you’re sorry.

I meant that for running_coach but it works for digs too.

Couldn’t have happened to a friendlier curmudgeon:

Even better was the way our resident cephalopod spelled his name when he decided to complain about it.

Octoputz thinks iiandyiiii asking for examples of previous passes is farcical.

What’s farcical is the mods keeping that thread open, and not just slapping the asshole down for his obvious Bias! Hivemind! schtick. Although I see it’s also collected all the other usual RW idiots like F-P and velocity, so at least the short bus gets an outing today…

Oh, that’s a shame! What this place needed was another right winger who, in order to criticize Democrats, had to make up lies.

I’m pretty sure he didn’t personally make that one up - it’s making the RW troll rounds everywhere.

Do any of those predate the posting here? Colibri, I think, Googled and found no instances until two hours after the thread here.

Not that I’ve found either. You think he was the Alpha Troll?

I don’t know, but it’s possible he was.