Trolls R Us redux [Now the argument clinic]

We have found a troll!
Burn him, burn him!
(he turned me into a fish)

(You’ll get better)

I didn’t lurk, but as soon as I discovered the community I saw there was a lot of history that one might want to know if they wanted to fit in. So I quickly knew far more than my join date could explain. Thankfully no one noticed.

I did the same thing. We can be a ruthless bunch. I remember how nervous I was about my first post. IIRC it was about Nietzsche, because that was my jam at the time.

That we’ve mentioned. You, Sir, are On The List. :wink:

Another data point. I’ve been hooked on the Straight Dope brand since my undergrad years, and I took to reading the fora when my main supply of snarky info dried up. I only signed up to get to read detailed threads on people being banned (and to bore folk with my boring ideas on new election systems).

So I knew how things worked, and even recognized some names, before I started posting. It’s only polite. So I’m not buying this Individual in Question being suspicious on that data as we see it, though it’s enough to arch an eyebrow a little.

You don’t have to guess as you can now download your entire posting history. :slight_smile:

I just downloaded my entire posting history. Thanks!

What!? I’ll kill you for that!

Oh, Lord. Honestly, there’s a lot I don’t want to remember.

We are? How come no one told me that? I’ve been mentally giving him wedgies!

Talk about jumping into the water head-first! :slight_smile:

From a high rock overlooking a raging surf crashing against the cliff!

Is there anything the SDMB loves more than a tortured analogy?

Only when the analogy self water boards.

Ok - I’m putting my hands up and backing away from the offending post.

I (probably unwisely) got into a meatspace argument about the legitimacy of the election and was hoping to get my hands on some actual facts. I looked for but couldn’t find my opponent’s specific objections; there were A LOT of posts to wade through… which may be why the mods locked my thread - I respect that.

However, the level of vehemence here and the fact that you’ve misspelled my username make me wonder if I might be catching a bit of somebody else’s flak? I mean, my posts aren’t necessarily the most enlightening; but I’ve always tried to be polite, and I’ve been posting about twenty times a year for the past seven years - not exactly shock and awe.

PS. I did get the information I was looking for. (Thanks, Jas09)

Well, truthseeker2 was a real asshole.

He did?

There used to be a poster here with a user name: truthseeker2. Dude would constantly JAQ off, post ignorant bullshit and be generally troll-y as fuck. Can’t be sure because I don’t want to speak for others, but perhaps you’re catching some of that flack.

ninja’d by kayaker.

They spelled it with a capital T - a subtle distinction, but computers can be a little touchy about that sometimes.

So not a misspelling then? And your username was the first word in the sentence so they may have capitalized for that reason.