Trolls R Us Resurrections

The “I’m going to deliberately and blatantly misrepresent what’s going on, ignore all explanations, and then claim persecution when I’m called on it” approach could be all sorts of former board members.

But this is a different style, not just disregarding explanations, but acting as if the very concept of explanations is utterly alien to them. It isn’t like explaining things to a stubborn person, it is like explaining things to a petunia. That is like Machanaforce, or Luciano700.

Best typo of the New Year.

You know, I’ll take it. :slight_smile:

I thought the same. :slight_smile:

I don’t think he’s actually trolling, but arguing with Whack-a-Mole is like playing some kind of arcade or carnival game whose name escapes me. Check out the thread called “A diplomat’s child is not a citizen of their country” in FQ.

I bet it’s Space Invaders

Yeah! That’s the one.

Just FYI, HazyFantazy has been zapped. Notice the ATMB thread they started yesterday is gone too.

Trock, a little known one, but a Trock.

Nice work! Now, can you zap that song from my brain?

Sure - look at the blinky thing.

Ugh, Eyebrows of Doom got a warning for making a joke about WaM’s ridiculous behavior in that thread. I guess EoD has a history of such things, so I’m not going to bother opening a protest thread in ATMB, but it’s annoying how WaM was just so awful, but the other poster gets the warning.

That thread is still locked. I think the mods are still working on a proper response to that trainwreck.

Just re-opened.

It looked to me that WaM admitted to Sealioning/trolling and was let go with a note about not responding to attacks. Odd.

I don’t think WAM was trolling. I think he’s genuinely that dense.

He’d have to be to survive being hit on the head by strangers.

I think he’s a troll—this is the thread that convinced me.

Also, his “It’s in the name” remark sounds like an admission to me.

Crap, thanks for that. :angry:

I forgot about that thread and how W-A-M pissed me off back then. Gah, that was a nice thread to have forgotten. :frowning: