That you find when you clean your bathroom after an ::Ahem:: extended period of time. Woah, if ever there was a need for a Lysol personal disinfectant, it was this afternoon.
I was just sitting on the couch today, minding my own business when I was gripped by the compulsion to clean my bathroom. I’m not sure why…maybe it’s the 2 years of collecting flora and fauna in there. Maybe it’s the scared looks on my visitors faces when they depart the head.
So I went in, and I conquered–Vini, Vidi, Oh my dear lord…
What an undertaking. A few observations I thought I should bring up:
1- THere’s chrome on Sink fixtures! You’d never know it by looking at it before, but I’m sure of it now!
2- One attack of Shower power or it’s cousin products isn’t enough to take care of caked soapscum.
3- Spiders! AcK!! No worries though, squirt the lil bastidges with shower power…they die an agonizing death.
4- 2 year old pornography that you stopped looking at 1 1/2 years ago should be tossed out, along with Car Audio&Electronics 1998 manufacturer’s listing, Worth magazine from the turn of this century, old Postal flyers, and the occasional toilet-paper tube.
5- Never let it happen again! I’m still not sure if this means not to let it get that nasty, or not to clean it again.
Oh, almost forgot…
6- Leave the 3 year-old beer bottle labels stuck to the mirror, they’ll surely make a mess if you disturb them.
So, that’s Sam’s adventure into domestications. Now it’s time to clean the rest of this GaWdAwful bachelor-pad from hell(I don’t get any holdiay this year, so I’ll surely have the time whilst everyone is out enjoying their weekends).
Oh, and if ever there was a time to find a girlfriend, it’s now, while the head is STILL clean