Trump administration considered releasing illegal immigrants in sanctuary cities

I get that you’re trying to frame the argument as “We’re going to make things as awful as possible until you knuckle down and accept this awful thing” - the conservatives are taking as their guiding example thugs who come into a shop and keep breaking things until the owner agrees to pay them protection money. But decent people are still free to notice that the better approach would be for our president to stop emulating a thug.

Yeah, but Obama. And Democrats are warmongers, or something.

A very privileged position as many liberals take on many issues. The choice as given is deportation or not.

Whether Trump is acting in good faith or not is completely irrelevant. Dems apparently are taking the position that the motive behind the sound policy is more important than the outcome. Pure politics.

Except that is not an option.

More migrants in cities is “awful as possible” now. Ok then.

So liberals do not have the resources to accomplish what they set out to do which is shield migrants from Trump? Perhaps they should build more vibrant and successful cities.

NARRATOR :: These are not the only options on the table at the moment ::

As usual, pathetic. Nope, this is about the ones that already are in as asylum seekers.

Again, not sound as even ICE can tell you.

It remains an inhumane idea when the choice includes allowing them to go to the cities where family or friends are.

Again, asylum seekers are not the same as undocumented immigrants that are already here.

You are not even wrong, but please proceed with ideas that are beyond dead on arrival, governor.

Yes I keep hearing that Trump’s immigration policy is so terrible. Freeing migrants from this system will be worse I guess? You are totally incoherent.

So there is another politically viable option. Please share.

Suuuure - there’s no connection between African slaves being treated as chattel and Central American families in crisis being treated like chattel. Nooooo connection at al, there!

How about a policy where asylees are given their credible fear interview, and we find a suitable place for them to wait for their legally-guaranteed hearing? We could even ask CBP/ICE to put a few minutes of thought as to where an appropriate place is, as opposed to treating humans like garbage that need to be stored somewhere.

Do you view migrants as human garbage? Trump does, clearly.

…you are aware that “releasing illegal immigrants in sanctuary cities” is not a politically viable option right?

So, ICE is doing it? ICE did not tell Trump to pound sand? So there are no better humane solutions? I check again… Nope, your point remains pathetic.

Heh. You are correct, it’s not an option to have our president stop emulating a thug.

It’s as awful as he can come up with at the moment. And it doesn’t change the fact that it’s a false dilemma.

Please. Trump hates sanctuary cities. He doesn’t know what they are but hates the term. AND they are associated with democrats AND brown people.

So, he believes that he can gather up as many ‘bad hombres’ he can find and dump them on street corners in sanctuary cities and cause havoc. This is an attack, there is no more plan or thought behind it than a monkey in a balloon with a hand grenade, but it’s an attack. Trump has all but directly said that it is an attack on sanctuary cities, and democrats that support them.

Now IF, he had said he wanted to make a plan to release the immigrants and get them the help they need and that the best place will be sanctuary cities, that would be different.

This is NOT a subtle difference. It’s a clear FUCK YOU! I AM NOT GETTING MY WAY!

Trump continues to act like a 5 year old, that’s all this is, and it’s gonna get worse as his dementia progresses.

“Trump confirmed in tweets Friday…”
As a dignified so-called “president” or junior high student will communicate
“…that White House officials have considered releasing immigrant detainees in sanctuary cities in regions governed by Democrats,…”
Ha-ha! Like a dirty plague, right racist fucks?
“…Trump responded Friday morning on Twitter…”
Because he is a barely literate and barely communicative imbicile
Fucking genius
“…on Twitter, tweeting that the reports were true…”

““What President Trump fails to understand is that America is a sanctuary country,” (Chicago Mayor) Emanuel said …”

Can’t edit. Sorry that I included that Emmanuel called him P-word Trump with a capital P and I failed to edit that bullshit out of the quote.

Are illegal immigrants even eligible for (federally funded) social services?

Not welfare or food stamps or Medicaid and the like. But they could go to Planned Parenthood for health screenings, maybe government-sponsored job finding services and so on.

The obvious response to your remark here is that there’s another option: they can be released from incarceration under circumstances that are favorable for both the migrants and the communities in which they are being released. Instead, what is being proposed is a sickeningly racist attempt to punish desperate people and communities who already have immigration pressures and are trying to find practical ways to balance the needs of everyone who lives in these communities.

As was stated earlier, the reason “sanctuary” policies exist isn’t to thumb their noses at immigration authorities; it’s a realization that immigration control failed, and that residents are already so deeply woven into the fabric of the community that mass deportations and other draconian measures would be disruptive to the communities in myriad ways. With diseases like measles making a comeback, you don’t want people avoiding the public health system. You don’t want people not getting drivers’ licenses or getting insurance. You don’t want people to avoid reporting criminal behavior. Ideally they’d have papers, but it’s the people who deal with real-world problems every day who are proposing sanctuary policies, including people in law enforcement, many of whom aren’t bleeding heart liberals.