Trump and Melania test positive for COVID-19

Steven Miller has announced that he’s tested positive.

While true, it’s the contrast that’s the interesting thing here. Her mother has the intellect and moral authority of an amoeba. So a typical 15-year-old looks rather good in comparison. It wasn’t Claudia that infected the family because she didn’t want to be seen in a mask or failed to practice social distancing.

In breaking news, Covid-19 announced it is testing positive for Steven Miller. It made the announcement simultaneously with Mr. Miller announcing he tested positive for Covid-19. Is there romance in Mr. Miller’s future? The surprising answer. Next. After this short commercial break.

I just saw that, and I’m having trouble working up any sympathy. May his lovely bride sit extra, extra close to him.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Statistically speaking, with Trump and his Oberkommand infecting each other, this has to end very badly for some of them, right?

That’s nothing but a hoard of disease-ridden criminals intent on taking our jobs right there.

Well, they’re wrong. In a number of ways. But this isn’t really the thread to discuss it, I was merely making a personal observation.

“And they’re not sending us their best. They’re sending dealers, rapists, murderers, profoundly narcissistic and frankly sociopathic carriers of potentially lethal diseases …”

Lincoln Project tweet : “It’s jumped species.”

Maybe they’d go with Pence. But does anyone want to bet against the likelihood that this exchange happened?

I find it hard to believe this conversation hasn’t occurred at some recent point in Don Senior’s illness.

“I am Donald J.Trump, millionaire. I own a mansion and a yacht.”

There is a Guardian article, almost dripping with ill-placed anticipation, about Giuliani coughing uncontrollably during an interview while still awaiting test results. I’m not sure that it is dignified to presuppose such things. Wait for the results, no?

It’s kinda fun when the Republican mud-slinging apparatus is spun up for your side. Can see the appeal.

I’m not even trying.

Fucking brilliant.

Kellyanne having to quarantine with the teenage daughter she infected who obviously hates her. I’d call it poetic justice but I feel terrible for the kid. Kellyanne looks kind of bad in that video (and not just from a parenting perspective). I don’t think she is feeling so good. Good.

She needs cheering up. Someone should tell her she has an “alternative virus”.

Slate suggests Trump hasn’t actually been tested.

Where’s Melania? Was she at Walter Reed? Is she still there? She was infected too, right? What about all their kids, are they testing negative?