Trump kicking off re-election campaign in Florida this Saturday

Trump wiped the floor with the reporters at his press conference. I’m surprised no one curled up in a ball and started crying.

You mean when he started begging for an easy question? Is that when he was “wip[ing] the floor with the reporters?”

You mean like how Trump whined that the questions are too haaaard?

I agree. They clearly walked right into Trump’s trap to make it look like they are picking on somebody who is mentally deficient. You have to have to it had it to him, nobody plays the role of a fool like Trump. Believe me. He is the best at playing the fool. Nobody does it better. Bigly.

This is making the news conference a few days ago look sane by comparison. OMFG.

He literally just said “it’s so unfair that those judges talk.” I guess it’s not just unfair that they ruled against him, but that they have the audacity to speak.

He also just brought some moron up from the crowd and the Secret Service looked like they wanted to kill him themselves. Then Trump adds “I know the Secret Service didn’t like that very much, but we know our own people, right?”

I’ve never seen anything like this before, and I hope I never see anything like it again.

Tears of laughter you mean. There were some truly hilarious moments of Trump-speak. The Trumpster babbled like a 9 year old trying to get out of paying for the window he broke.

A lesson on logic:
“The leaks are absolutely real. The news is fake because so much of the news is fake.”

A denial of reality:
“We had a very smooth rollout of the travel ban”

Conjecture that an entire country is “fake news”
“Russia is fake news. Russia – this is fake news put out by the media.”

Discovery of a drug problem in the US. Does he think this is a new thing? Plus a bonus of not even understanding the drug problem:
“We’re becoming a drug-infested nation. Drugs are becoming cheaper than candy bars.”

Trump discovers in his briefing that other countries have the nuclear:
“We’re a very powerful nuclear country and so are they. I have been briefed.”

Continuing math challenge of not knowing that a larger number is bigger than a smaller number… But it’s someone else’s fault that he keeps screwing that one up:

NBC reporter Peter Alexander: “You said today that you had the biggest electoral margin since Ronald Reagan – 304, 306 electoral votes. In fact, President Obama got 365 in 2008.”
Trump: “Well, I’m talking about Republicans.”
Alexander: “President Obama 333, George H.W. Bush 426 when he won. So why should Americans trust…”
Trump: "I was given that information, I was just given it.

Why, the Intel plant you just talked about. I thought that was clear.

Wow. Seriously, you want to go there.

Obama played his first round of golf 4 months into his administration.

Trump? 2 weeks.

This marks 3 weeks in a row that he has flown to Florida for the weekend.

Melbourne Florida police official LINK HERE says 9000 people in the hanger. Lets see over the next few weeks how Trump refers to this crowd.

In one month, Trump’s family trips have cost taxpayers 11.3 Million. Almost as much as Obama spent in a year.

I would say he will exaggerate by more than a factor of 10. 90,000 will not be enough for him - he’ll say “more than one hundred thousand people were at my rally”, and then call any other number “fake”.

And the big question (asked already repeatedly) is:

Why the hell is he having an election rally ONE MONTH INTO HIS FIRST TERM IN OFFICE?

Come on Trumpsters - you all know that this is stupid, and is just to gratify the little man’s ego.

I know a few progressives who requested tickets to the rally merely to increase the number of no-shows. I decided not to do that – if people want to see the shit gibbon blather, I think they should get to do so. But I am curious – were all the tickets distributed?

In the link leftfield6 posted, there was a Craigs List ad saying that those who attended would be given free merch. I’m a skeptic, so I did a quick google to see if the ad was real. My search string was “ad trump rally”. Google wanted to know if I meant “sad trump rally”. :smiley:

Ha, my stream cut out a few minutes and so I saw that maniac right in the middle of whatever he was doing and was saying wtf to myself.

I got a kick out of the congressman who used the adjective “high-information” to describe the crowd he was addressing.

Not to mention the week after the Inauguration when he went back to Manhattan and his penthouse. He has spent every weekend of his Presidency on vacation.

I was watching and I definitely didn’t see any camera shots of the faces of Secret Service agents.

He did declare for re-election on January 20.

Part of it may be ego. But he has to know that his 2016 victory margin was not a safe one in terms of a 2020 repeat. He also knows he was outspent last year by a 2-1 ratio. So he is trying to do everything he can to insure he keeps his presidential gig as long as possible.

You might say (or, if not, I might say) that if he loses in 2020, he’ll just declare the result rigged and stay in the White House anyway. However, this has obvious risks and is not his first choice (just as self-funding a campaign is not his first choice). His first choice is to spend the next 3 3/4 years running for office.

What action did Obama take that motivated Intel to build that plant?

An abundance of refugees because Intel provides the types of jobs that Americans won’t do? Come on, it can’t be that hard.

Do you really think that’s that your president should be doing? Putting people in their place? Thats just sad and pathetic, for you and for him.

Ask Intel. The factory was originally announced, with Obama, in 2011.

And you can also ask why the project was delayed. But it’s the same project.