Trump lies he’s the Devil, Biden lies , it oh that’s just old Joe

Not a lick of difference between them, just how it’s handled. Now I know how this is going to go.

You’re an idiot. And that’s the truth. < raspberry >


Congrats on mastering the time-honored strategy of “what about the other guy”. If history is any guide, you have many years of bad-faith arguing conservative positions ahead of you.

So, you’re saying you’re posting an OP with the expectation that it will garner a negative reaction? How novel.

eenerms, There appears to be something wrong with your morality calibration tools.

Yeah, the screws are loose so they just slide around freely.

I’m probably wasting my time here, but if you look at the two men objectively, you are comparing a mountain of lies to a molehill, both in quantity and degree of separation from the truth.

All politicians (and people) make occasional misstatements, exaggerate, or shade the truth. But most people make a good faith effort to speak the truth. If they are called out on something, they generally correct themselves going forward. If it’s a blatant misstatement or untruth, they apologize.

Trump is completely different. Trump lies every time he gives a statement or a speech, usually multiple times. If he is called out on blatant untruths (that is, lies), he doubles down. He never corrects himself, and he never apologizes.

It took the media a while to come around to the fact that Trump lies continuously and unapologetically. So if you see a difference in how they are treated, that is why.

P.S. I’ll add that it is corrosive to a liberal (in the classic sense) democracy to have a political leader who lies with complete abandon. It is the media’s job to call out politicians on their misstatements or lies. So if a politician lies continuously, they’re going to be criticized for this behavior continuously.

Trump has more obvious, verifiable lies in each of his speeches than Biden has in the last, what, 10 years? Longer? Trump’s lies are big and small, purposeful and accidental. Nothing he says has any relationship to the truth. Trumps statements and factual reality only overlap by accident.

Biden’s exaggerations, misstatements, and even lies are nothing like this. He’s generally truthful, and you can generally rely on what he’s saying. His lies, if they are lies, tend to be about his own history, not about important matters of policy and diplomacy.

eenerms, can you describe Biden’s lies that have you all up in arms? I’m confident we could match each of those with ten more impactful, more blatant, more important lies from Trump.

That’s really the defining thing; it’s the scale and the reaction when called on it that set Trump apart from pretty much ANY other politician out there.

Pretty much all politicians say stuff that’s only true if you look at it from a certain specific angle and squint a little bit.

Trump on the other hand, says stuff that’s totally, absolutely and unequivocally untrue. He’ll take credit for stuff that was very obviously and on-the-record done by other politicians. Or he’ll say stuff like that he’s done more for Black people than “anyone else”, which Abraham Lincoln and LBJ might have some issue with.

You don’t have to be this stupid.

Or, maybe, you don’t have to be this stupid, publicly.

There’s also motive.

Huge difference in these candidates and their priorities. And their willingness to lie for self-aggrandizement.

@eenerms, this is a board whose stated purpose is fighting ignorance. I’ve wondered this for a while: Why do you continue to hang around a place that is a sworn enemy of your core values?

You haven’t been paying attention. At all. Have you?

Mountains and molehills.

WHAT core values?

The OP is a perfect example of how the majority of Trump supporters think. “If I can find one example of something bad the other side has done, that excuses everything my guys have done.” Thanks for the lesson in idiocy.

Stick it to the libs.

You’re so right, @eenerms.

I’ve lost track of how often you and countless right wingers and Republicans have criticized Trump for his pathological daily lying. It’s all anybody hears from the right anymore about how big of a fucking liar he is and how they refuse to support him in the coming election.

If, at this stage of the game, this is actually what the OP believes, and they’re not just trolling to get a reaction (that “Now I know how this is going to go” line is telling), then I don’t see what point there is in trying to engage the OP on the equivalence they’ve drawn.

I will say this: trump doesn’t just lie; a liar knows and cares when they’re lying and why they are lying at the time. trump bullshits; he says anything that comes into his head that fits whatever conceit he’s trying to spin at that moment. He does not care about objective reality. He’ll tell a lie that contradicts a lie he recently told, and he doesn’t care. He’ll be corrected repeatedly on an obvious lie but keep on repeating it because he just doesn’t care. He has no shame, no morals, no sense of personal responsibility and no integrity whatsoever. To draw a moral equivalence between that and whatever misstatements Biden may make is either colossal ignorance or trolling.

Example from just yesterday. In the same call he said if we had listened to Fauci there would have been 500,000 more deaths and later said there would have been 700,000 to 800,000. All numbers obviously just pulled from his ass.