Trump Robocalls

Ok. I still have a landline. I’ve been getting a fair amount of robocalls from the Trump campaign. When I dial back on the caller ID, I get the option to be put on a no call list (which the recording hilariously states can take up to 60 days to take effect). Of course what I really want to do is tell them go go pound sand in their azz, but that’s not possible. I keep hoping that an option to actually talk to someone in the organization comes up, but no. Anybody have an idea? Like write down the name of the PAC, and find a way to call them directly? And why aren’t I getting any calls for Biden?

Biden’s campaign apparently uses social media & email for that. I know they have a Facebook chatbot.

Probably because the Biden camp are aware that robocalls do little more than piss people off, and you do not want to go pissing off your own supporters that way.

This works for me:

I got a call from the Biden campaign today, but it was a live human. And, to my surprise, asking not for money but for volunteers.

It occurs to me that I haven’t heard from the Republicans for some months. The last time I did it was also a live human, asking for my father, who got the answer that he’s been dead for 30 years and to stop calling this number. It occured to me after I hung up that I think there was real pain in my voice; maybe the human on the other end was paying attention.

– having said that, I’ll probably now get three R robocalls tomorrow.

Worldometer has been showing me Trump ads. I occasionally click on one, just to cost the campaign a click and see how silly they are. Today’s was “President Trump wants to know what you thought of the 2020 RNC Convention”. The survey is a 30-question multiple choice, as follows (available answers coalesced onto one line):

  1. Did you watch the 2020 Republican National Convention?
    Yes / No
  2. How would you rate the 2020 Republican National Convention?
    Historic / Great / Good / Other
  3. How would you rate President Trump’s acceptance speech?
    Historic / Great / Good / Other
  4. How would you rate Vice President Pence’s speech?
    Historic / Great / Good / Other
  5. Did you watch the dark and depressing Democrat Convention?
    Yes / No
  6. How would you rate the Democrat Convention?
    Terrible / Awful / Bad / Other
  7. How would you rate Sleepy Joe Biden’s acceptance speech?
    Terrible / Awful / Bad / Other
  8. How would you rate Phony Kamala’s speech?
    Terrible / Awful / Bad / Other
  9. Who gave a better speech, President Trump or Sleepy Joe Biden?
    President Trump / Sleepy Joe Biden
  10. Who gave a better speech, Vice President Pence or Phony Kamala Harris?
    Vice President Pence / Phony Kamala Harris
  11. Which Convention do you believe was more aligned with your views?
    The Republican National Convention / The Democrat Convention
  12. Which Convention do you believe was more aligned with the views of your neighbors?
    The Republican National Convention / The Democrat Convention
  13. Which Convention do you believe did a better job of connecting with real Americans?
    The Republican National Convention / The Democrat Convention
  14. Do you agree that the Fake News will lie about how EPIC President Trump’s speech was?
    Yes / No
  15. Do you believe the Democrats would criticize the President’s speech no matter what he said because they HATE him?
    Yes / No
  16. Do you believe President Trump delivered the most patriotic Convention speech in history?
    Yes / No
  17. Do you believe President Trump properly addressed the safety of our Nation?
    Yes / No
  18. Do you believe President Trump will continue to do whatever it takes to Keep America Safe?
    Yes / No
  19. Do you approve of President Trump’s tough stance on China?
    Yes / No
  20. Do you believe President Trump addressed the importance of a strong economy?
    Yes / No
  21. Do you support President Trump’s efforts to reopen the Country SAFELY?
    Yes / No
  22. Do you believe President Trump will rebuild our economy even STRONGER than before?
    Yes / No
  23. Do you agree with President Trump that we must restore LAW AND ORDER in liberal-run cities where angry MOBS are running rampant?
    Yes / No
  24. Do you support President Trump’s efforts to defend our great Police?
    Yes / No
  25. Do you agree that the rioting and looting in Chicago, Portland, and other Democrat-run cities would become normalized under Sleepy Joe and Phony Kamala?
    Yes / No
  26. Do you believe Democrats should work with President Trump to put America First rather than obstruct his agenda at every turn?
    Yes / No
  27. Do you believe President Trump and Vice President Pence will Make America Great Again?
    Yes / No
  28. Which do you identify as?
    American / Socialist
  29. What age category applies to you?
    18-25 / 26-35 / 36-50 / 51-65 / 66+
  30. Who will you vote for in November?
    President Trump and Vice President Pence / Sleepy Joe Biden and Phony Kamala Harris

Someone help me out - which ones are strawmen and which ones are poisoning the well, again?

I think 28 is my favorite.

Dayam. That’s some serious Junior High School level trolling.

Surprised they didn’t ask -
31. Who would your rather go to the prom with?
Studly Donald Trump / Icky Joe Biden.

Must have only had room for 30 questions.


Yup, that’s the one.

Today’s was pretty lame - the “is the liberal lamestream media unfair to President Trump” survey. Nothing about BLM, protests, Antifa, or COVID. All about “witch hunt” and left-wing bloggers asking the press secretary questions. Recycling 2019 material, I guess, but why? They’ve got the most EPIC writers for new stuff, right?

That has to be a joke. Designed to be able to post “true” results though laughably dishonest. And they did it this way because IT WORKS. We are doomed.