Trump walks out of 60 Minutes interview - Does he have something?

So, His Orangeness is threatening to release footage of his 60 Minutes interview he walked out of. My question is: Is there really something there that could make him look good/vindicate him about something? Or just something he THINKS will and just could only pump up his base? Or is it something that will accentuate his douchocity (i.e. backfire on him because he’s a moron)?

For Trump, the implication that he has a legitimate grievance is just as good as actually having a legitimate grievance, because his fans will never look at the matter objectively.

They’ll just take his word for it that he has a legitimate grievance. Even though his record on such things is basically ‘batting zero.’

That’s better than nothing.

You mean he metaphorically was at least able to walk up to the plate? And so I’m giving him too much credit by using that expression?

If so, I won’t argue.

Someone on the cable shows was saying that while it’s routine for interviewees or their staff to record the interview’s audio, it’s unusual for them to make a video record. Either way, I can’t imagine that Trump would have anything other than “you didn’t wear a mask, Lesley, nanny nanny boo boo”—a lapse on Stahl’s part about which we already knew.

No, I was just making a joke.

Trump is going to release his footage… soon! Believe me! The likes of which you’ve never… YADDA MOTHERFUCKING YADDA . UNFAIR! RIGGED!
Bullshit. AKA: Trump.

That whizzing sound you hear is from the flightpath over my head. :flushed:

But I do wish that the TV people were better at reflexively saying, every time Trump comes up with another of these plays: ‘Donald Trump announced he would play video of the 60 Minutes interview that would prove he had to walk out, but everyone realized he was just looking for another distraction from his bungled pandemic response and income tax scandal.’

So Trump had his own video crew there too along with the 60 Minutes crew? Would the 60 Minutes crew have even allowed that?

“CBS News said the White House had agreed they were taping the interview for archival purposes only.”

Nowadays it doesn’t even have to be a video crew. A White House staffer recording with an iPhone to guard against any perceived shenanigans would work, too.

(Not to defend Trump and his staff. I’d expect any halfway competent executive group to do this if they were mistrustful of the interviewer…which is its own issue, since we’re talking about 60 Minutes, for Pete’s sake.)

As for the 60 Minutes crew “allowing” it, the interview was at the White House on Trump’s turf. They couldn’t do much about it other than abandon the interview, and I don’t think a White House staffer recording with an iPhone rises to that level.

I hope Republicans are proud. Again.
The man they put in the office that would allow him to be, if he wanted to be, the most powerful man on Earth, is rage tweeting about how unfairly he was treated by a journalist. Pat yourselves on the backs, Republicans! Again.

Well put @bobot.

When will the 60 minutes interview be on? (the real one, not whatever edited version the White House propaganda unit puts out.)

This Sunday.

Thanks. CBS, correct?

It could be MSM. I think that’s cable. Waiting to hear back from OP. Get back to ya.

Yep, 7pm. It’s been a while since I watched 60 Minutes (about 30 years, by my count), but I think I’ll tune in this week. Seems like it may be… interesting.

Great, so we’ll have to sit through it twice and once its going to be in fuckin’ portrait mode.


I’m going with the “moron” theory. Remember, this is the “stable genius” who proactively released his “perfect” phone call with the president of Ukraine, believing it would exonerate him and end the controversy. What it did actually did was confirm everyone’s worst suspicions and got him impeached.