Trump walks out of 60 Minutes interview - Does he have something?

“Fake News! My neurosyphilis is the biggest ever. Very high number. Stage 8. People are saying.”

Stage 8 is when it has metastasized in everyone around him.

Just in case it isn’t clear, Pardel-Lux is the cartoonist who drew that.

Indeed, I hope I can get away with that, as this is not The Pit. Hope you like it.

What Temporary_Name said. Great cartoon, and perspicacious too.

I guess that perpicacious means too clever by half :wink: But I appreciate what you say, it might help me get away with it :smile:

That went right over my head, thank you for pointing it out.
I liked it.

I got this directly from the spirit of Jimmy The Greek – an admittedly questionable source well beyond his being dead:

Well, the only thing I’ve seen talked about from the released footage (I haven’t watched it myself) is him using both hands to drink a glass of water. Again. Lincoln Project has tweeted those four seconds on a loop.

Indeed. (This parallels the advice given by every lawyer who’s ever worked with him: make sure there’s at least one witness in the room.)

I am hoping that someone will be recording the audio from Trump during the periods in which his mic is turned off, tonight, by the way.

If we know our Donny-the-Menace, he will be saying particularly luridly-insulting things to Biden during those minutes, in the hope of getting Biden to either lose his temper, or stutter (because we all know that Trump’s ad people are waiting anxiously for some Biden-stuttering footage to showcase in new campaign commercials).

There’s another entire, and lengthy, thread about the debate.

Suffice it to remark here that Donny was borderline-passably almost well behaved tonight, certainly compared to the first debate, although he did talk over the moderator a lot. It would seem his doctors have finally found the right combination and dosages of medicine for him. (This is entirely apart from the actual things he said, which was for the most part a non-stop stream of barefaced lies.)

Yeah - those were REALLY tough questions: What would be your agenda for a 2d term…

Kudos to Stahl for pointing out when he was nonresponsive, and for calling him on his past statements. I can’t imagine how this looks good for Trump, when interspliced w/ other footage and commentary. It is unlikely to change anyone’s minds, but I suspect the 60 Minutes audience skews older and more conservative.

What a fucking baby!

It’s not often you get to ‘meet’ the artist and ask him a question.

Why is there a vagina on Stephen Miller’s crotch? What were you trying to say there?

I wonder who Stephen Miller will transfer his lizardy loyalty to if Donald loses?

Don Jr seems deplorable enough

I might’ve missed it upthread, nand the thread may have moved well beyond the OP. But …

ISTM it’s obvious what Trump thought he’d gain by threatening to release the interview ahead of 60 Minutes’ broadcast. He’d deprive them of most of the revenue they’d get from what would otherwise be a highly-rated show. It’s effectively blackmail.

Or spite, since he did it.
But I don’t think it will have the desired effect. He looks in that interview like he always does. Everyone will see what they expected to see. I saw an incompetent asshole. His base will see a strong articulate leader.

I think its simply that his view of what is fair and unfair is so biased and skewed that he actually believes that it will be self evident that he was treated unfairly. Sort of like a wife abuser who thinks that footage of his wife nagging him before he punches her in the face will clearly demonstrate to anyone who watches it that his actions were totally justified.

Trump already has been laughed off the world stage, except like the crazy uncle with the mortgage on your house, you have to not laugh in his face.

Funny you see it as a vagina, I wanted to draw an open fly. For no other reason that it is embarrasing and I can.