Trump's Day Today

So what is he doing up in his Trump Tower suite all day today? Massive party? Sleeping? Checking twitter? Did he really think this was happening?

I can almost guarantee he’s not celebrating Carl Sagan’s birthday.

Not an Elections discussion. It might be GQ, but we’ll try IMHO, first.

Making a hit list, probably.

With his pinky to his lips, plotting our doom I’m sure.

He hasn’t twittered in 13 hours.
He’s probably stuck in some really dull meetings with serious people in suits. Hard to imagine him taking a briefing, but it’s got to happen sooner or later.
Or maybe he’s watching all his TV spots from last night.

Boy is he gonna burn out on this reality shit fast.

He’s trying to sit down, in spite of all the faces embedded in his ass (Giuliani, Christie, et al).

Who would those people be? It must be interesting to try to teach that guy about being POTUS.

My feelings exactly. He will probably end up being the little chrome dog on the front of the Mac truck that is the Republican Party.

Well, reports are that Trump didn’t expect to win (both the RNC’s polling & his campaign’s assumed he was down several points, like everyone else) and when it was obvious that he’d pick up NC/FL he walked off to another room to try and digest it all. I pray that the burden of the responsibility will be sobering to him since I’m not convinced that he was approaching it like that.

That is precisely what I think, and pray.

I think I’d be in shock at the enormity of what’s coming, and sleeping/resting.

Probably the same sort of people who convinced Obama he could not close down Guantanamo.
Hopefully Trump will find out very soon the limits of the power of a President. I think White SIFL idea is probably right. Anything Pence and McConnell can agree on will be brought for Trump to sign and the rest of the time he’s going to be ignored.

A couple of weeks ago, his campaign team took away his Twitter account, so the recent tweets have all been vetted by them to avoid the sort of tweets he sent out at 3am after the first debate. I’m a little scared that the campaign staff of the next POTUS didn’t trust him not to send out damaging tweets. What does that say about his communications as president? Everything the POTUS says is scrutinized worldwide.

I figured he’d grab his phone back as soon as Sec’ty Clinton conceded. That he hasn’t implies to me his staff has kept him ducked-taped him in the bathroom every minute he hasn’t been on camera since yesterday.