Trump's show - The Apprentice

I think this show may be very interesting. I was glad to see the smug MD/MBA leave. Sam looks like he will crack under the pressure. I can’t wait to see the ladies in the boardroom.

Yep, I’m watching it tonight without any idea of what to expect. Should be fun. Though it likely means I’d be rooting for some corporate backstabber, it’ll be entertaining nonetheless.

I liked it. Kinda of like Survivor without the boring Beach Relay Races.

Couple Q’s - what is up with the 2-stage “tribal council” - Trump doesn’t vote off 1 from the whole group, the group has to pick 3 to be chosen from? Is that how that works?

Also - what inpropriety was Sam being accused of? When he started saying “I did not break any rules.”
Jason - good job cutting off Donald Trump mid-sentence - that little flashing light in your eye is your career dissipation light, and it just went in to overdrive.

Droppin’ the Backdraft quotes on him!
It’s a pretty interesting show. That one guy who was crawling around on the carpet- was that Sam? He seemed like a freakin deushebag. I wouldn’t trust him to manage a McDonalds, much less one of Trumps companies. He is definitely an “empty suit” that makes up for lack of talent with flashy bullshit. (Not surprisingly, he is a former Accenture consultant and dot-com guy)

It’s not like they will actually run one of his companies. They said they would be CEO or whatever for ONE YEAR. I suspect they will get some figurehead position or at best be on a tight leash for a year and then they would be outa there.

What’s funny to me is that many of these people seem like ridiculous characteritures of “business people”, not actual business people.

I actually had to turn it off because I’m going to business school in the next couple of years and it gave me a panic attack. What about the Asian woman with the tight puckered angry hard mouth? She was so flinty…that alone made me wonder whether I would be better off at plan A which was li-berrian school.

Watched it and thought it was amusing. Where did they get these people? Did they use the MTV Real World interview panel?
Looks like these people were chosen by their likeliness to be overdramatic and cause on screen conflict, not by their business savy.
Sam reeks of carsalesman. The guy that got fired was a MD/MBA graduate who had no grasp of life in the real world. The ladies like to argue about who said what and who’s working hard and who isn’t.
Anybody in corporate America has to look at these people and say “I wouldn’t hire any of them.”
Trump must be asking “This is a joke, right? Can I get paid now?”

Come on! Its Donald Trump. The chick with the best tits will win. Why even bother pretending?

I got the impression that the “project manager” or whatever he’s called is automatically up for firing, and he gets to choose the other 2. The leader of this project told the other two he was inviting them to join him in the boardroom or some similar phrasing that he was obviously given behorehand. Then Trump chooses which of the three to fire.
