Today is the last day of Trump’s hush-money trial. The main thread about it has 4800 posts.
So, for fun… let’s see if a few thousand of us Dopers are as smart as 12 jurors! Let’s predict the results…
There can only be three possible results, so pick the one you are absolutely, one-hundred-percent sure is the correct answer—the one which you know those 12 jurors just have to agree with you, right?
hung jury
not guilty
The winners (i.e. all those who correctly predict the results of the jurors’ decision) will win the right to open and participate in a new thread labelled “Ha Ha, I Told You So”.
All others must forever hang their head in shame, and admit that even the Dope isn’t always perfect.
(To be more specific: This poll refers to the final , most important verdict–the felony.
Trump is accused of 34 misdemeanor counts of fraud, but this poll is about the really important issue: the felony charge of intent to commit election fraud).
Normally, I’d go with the opposite of what I would want to happen, so that if that fails to occur, I at least have the satisfaction of being right. But there would be no satisfaction in this case, so I chose ‘guilty’ out of pure and desperate hope.
Putting aside the smiley, it seems to me that it all comes down to what those 12 jurors think “reasonable doubt” means; my mealy-mouthed shrug means I’ll obviously be left out when it comes to bragging rights — and I won’t even belong in the company of those who called it as they saw it — but, try as I might, I honestly can’t get one step further than wondering what they’ll figure a reasonable doubt is.
Same. Of the 34 charges, I’ll guess…guilty on 10. Though there doesn’t seem to be a substatial difference in his guilt from charge to charge, I’ve no doubt there are subtleties that can be argued to which I’m not privy. And it may come down to horsetrading in the jury room with one or two holdouts.
i believe there is a good chance of not guilty on the checks and charges not signed by trump.
i believe guilty on the ones with his signature.
i’m thinking friday, although i do have a can of bubbly ready in the fridge.
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I picked hung jury. My bizarre fear, based on nothing really, is not the hidden MAGA but someone who’s trying too hard to be objective and, regardless of his/her beliefs and convictions, and based on his/her perceived complexities of this, simply can’t see anything but a reasonable doubt.
This opinion is probably nuts and I truly hope for both guilty and jail time (though I know that’s to be determined later)
50% not guilty on all charges
40% guilty (on most of the charges)
10% hung jury
The falsification of business records is a very near a slam dunk. I’m not sure the jury is going to be able to get to the felonious aspects, i.e., to cover up another crime. I would very much like to be wrong.
I would say not guilty almost for sure on the cheques that Trump did not personally sign.
[Sarcasm ON] This case has nothing to do with the evidence. President Trump (who had the last election stolen from him) is clearly not guilty. And when he is re-elected, everyone involved with this case will be charged and sent to prison. [Sarcasm OFF]