My boyfriend challenged me when I said that I had seen these movies. Number 1 is a movie with John Travolta and Lily Tomlin. It was early in Travolta’s career and she is “the older woman”. They have an affair over the summer that she is embarrassed about. Number 2 is a movie and I only saw one scene. What caught my attention was that three of the four teens in the scene would later be famous actors/actresses but I can’t remember exactly who they are. Sorry but it was a long time ago. The scene is 2 girls and 2 boys outside in a forest. One girl takes off her top as a dare to the other one who then takes down the top of her green(?) swimsuit. 1 of the boys stares and the other looks at the second girl like what the heck are you doing. Both movies are a few decades old. Any ideas what the movies are? I really want to win this challenge.
first one is moment by moment. found it using advanced search on, they have one for multiple crew/cast in the same movie.
No idea on the second one, second movie could be any number of teensploitation 80s movies. It does sound vaguely familiar though. I am almost thinking it could be one of the teen cast horror movies, but it is probably set in a summer camp of some sort.
Little Darlings? bad News bears?
Thank you for the first one. I thought it was Little Darlings too, but the people I’m thinking it was were more famous as adults. When I saw that scene, it was like that famous episode of Miami Vice with George Clooney before he was famous.
Found it by accident. Last Summer with Barbara Hershey and Richard Thomas.
Last Summer was based on a novel by Evan Hunter (Ed McBain is his mystery writers nom de plume). The second girl ends up getting raped, and nothing is done about it.
Hunter wrote a sequal called Come Winter, showing what a psychotic bastard the male ring leader was.