TubaDiva memorial

This is a great idea. Count me in.

A great idea, and could potentially be much more than a single instrument donation, too. It could be the seeds for a Instrument Replacement Fund at the school, to repair and replace school-owned instruments for the forseeable future (if they don’t already have one). My own alma mater started such a project a few years ago, and it’s been part of their annual fundraising schedule ever since.

You’ll definitely have contributions from her bandmates for this (whether it’s one instrument or something more; I’m just offering a possibility)

A great idea and I am in, just let us know when and where.

And Hello to you Mr. Zotti! I hope you and yours are well!

Just curious…do schools maintain their own instruments usually? In my HS it seemed like music class was a strictly BYOInstrument kind of affair and much hand-wringing occurred if a kid wanted to change instruments or quit after a year.

Schools often do have a number of instruments for kids who can’t afford to buy or rent them.

I’m in. And I second the idea of giving one to some other school in a place important to Jenny if that doesn’t work for her alma mata

I’m in, too.

Let me know if you need advice on what horn to get. Some are utter crap and would be a bad memorial. Others won’t stand up to teenage abuse. I’m a tuba player and I teach high school music. I’ve seen some bad purchases and I know what high schoolers will do to a horn.

The TubaDiva Memorial Tuba Fund is now accepting donations.

We’ll likely donate an agreed-upon amount to the school to purchase the tuba. They have a better idea what will hold up than we do and probably get an educational discount anyway. I’ll solicit opinions before making any decision. Naturally we’ll want the donated tuba to have an appropriate inscription.

Really great obit in the Chicago Sun-Times:

@Ed_Zotti, I’m pretty confident you were part of getting this published. Thank you for that.

That’s a wonderful obituary and a good shout-out for the SDMB - maybe it will bring in some new posters, which is also a fitting tribute for TubaDiva.

I just donated and am happy to see that we’re already more than half way to the goal, even though the donation site is at most a few hours old.

Actually, no. I was in touch with Sun-Times management about the SDMB and mentioned that we wanted to do a memorial, but they came up with the idea of an obit on their own. They thought highly of Jenny.

Ah, well that’s even better, and thanks for putting together the collection. I had no idea tubas were so spendy!

It’s a lovely tribute.

Slightly disappointing they didn’t mention the classic GQ question about whether a plane can take off from a moving conveyor belt.

I can only give a little, but I’d like to, but unfortunately, the GoFundMe page doesn’t accept paypal. I don’t have a credit card, and donating with my German debit card seems to be impossible.

As mentioned by Munch in the other thread, you can use PayPal. It’s not intuitive, but you have to click on “Google Pay” to do so. I could be wrong, but as I understand it, Google Pay supports PayPal payments from the U.S. and Germany, but not, for whatever reason, most other countries.

Thanks, @Ed_Zotti, for the idea and for contributing to that great obit! I’m definitely in on the tuba idea!

Sorry, but there is no Google Pay option on the donation page (at least as I see it, it may be because I’m in Germany), the only options are credit or debit card.

What a touching obituary. I didn’t know TubaDiva/Jenny personally, but this obit makes me wish that I did.

Many, many thanks to the Chicago Sun-Times for that wonderful obituary. The world should know about Our Humble TubaDiva.