I want to make a sling-shot and need surgical tubing to do so. I can order online easily enough but thought there must be some place that I can simply drive to. What kind of store sells latex surgical tubing.
If you buy a car tire tube and cut it into strips, they will far exceed any latex you could use…or if not, just go to Walmart and buy the already made sling-shot bands and attach them to your homemade beauty.
Its not “surgical tubing” but most hardware stores should have something close. I made many a slingshot with the rubber tubing from there as a child.
… or a medical supply store (doh)
Surgical supply stores or local (not CVS or Walgreens) drugstores are your best bet.
But now thinking about this, a CVS-type place might be a good idea, too. Ask at the pharmacy counter though, I doubt the people working the registers would know. And if they don’t carry it, the pharmacist may be able to steer you right.
Yup, you can get it at Menards. It’s not called surgical tubing, but it’s the same stuff. It’ll be back by the rest of the hoses.
I once picked some up at a hobby shop.
A dive shop.
Old bicycle inner tube? A bike shop might have a few free for the asking.
Back in my radio controlled glider days, I picked up a roll of latex tubing at the local pharmacy. Just make sure there are no splices.
They’ve got it at my local Lowes and I think I’ve seen it at Home Depot. Plumbing department with all the other rolls of tubing of all sorts . . . except the tubing I’m looking for. :rolleyes:
CMC fnord!