Turkey Invasion!!! & Happy Canadian Thanksgiving

Moose, lynxes, deer, foxes, porcupines, coyotes, pheasants, hawks, eagles, and now…

Wild Turkeys! <– Flickr slideshow.

Bonus video of a Turkey Gang terrorizing one of my cats.

Happy Thanksgiving Day to all my Canadian friends!

Ditto (to the Happy Thanksgiving part).

Happy Thanksgiving! We’re recovering in the quiet now (wee people visiting, who gleefully partook of the bowl of candy pumpkins and candy corn in the bowl on the coffee table) with the dishwasher running. There was turkey, stuffing, gravy (homemade), Brussels sprouts, carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, broccoli, cheese sauce, buns, pumpkin pie and apple pie.

No wonder I’m having a hard time moving now. :slight_smile:

Plus having people over meant the housecleaning got done, and it’s the holiday tomorrow, officially, so another day off!

Yum! Sounds good except for the [del]fart blossoms[/del] brussels sprouts.

Hope all you Canadians had a Happy Thanksgiving! Or is that have since tomorrow is the official Canadian Turkey Day?

I thought the opening of Parliament was Official Canadian Turkey Day? :stuck_out_tongue:

And thanks for the good wishes - had Thanksgiving with Mrs. Piper’s family yesterday, and my dad comes over for supper tonight. Having dealt with turkey twice already in the past week, we’re going to break with tradition and have a pork roast with pepper sauce. Not sure yet about the accompaniments.

I assume all Canadian malls will be swarmed tomorrow. :stuck_out_tongue:

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!

(Why would the malls be swarmed? We’re all going back to work. I’ma confused.)

Because the day after US Thanksgiving, all the US malls are swarmed with shoppers getting a start on Christmas shopping. But they get it on a Thursday, with many either getting the Friday off or taking it anyway, so it makes sense. We get it on a Monday, with Christmas still well away, so the day after is just another workday for us. Oh well.

Still, it’s a day off. Have a happy one, folks!

Our ex-pat Thanksgiving was at lauramary’s house - her husband is Canadian, we met through an ex-pats board. Three turkeys (one smoked, one deep fried, one roasted)! The deep-fried turkey was carried from the fryer to the table with the aid of a hockey stick. There was so much wonderful food, and much great conversation with other ex-pats and some of their work friends. And I’m making soup from one of the carcasses (from a turkey, not an ex-pat or work friend) right now. Yay!

We had a good one. Mostly hung around home and spent time together, then I made a big dinner (ham, scalloped potatoes, broccoli casserole, carrots and cabbage rolls with pumpkin pie for dessert… all from scratch… we decided to hold off on the turkey as my aunt will probably do one when my brother comes down next weekend for a visit).

Hope you all had a good one!

So, you’re WASTING the work-friend carcass? Nice.

My Canadian husband is SO happy you want to make soup out of the roast turkey, because he always hated his mum’s leftover turkey soup. And we have so much food still at our house still, we need soup like we need a hole in our heads.

I’m glad you had a good time and a happy Thanksgiving.

*Edited because names aren’t kosher for some reason.

I got to thinking - I didn’t actually eat any turkey. Just tandoori chicken which bit back.


We had turkey, mashed potatoes, and carrots–really simple and quick, because my mum was insanely busy with work this year–and I made an apple brown betty for dessert (with Haagen-Daaz Swiss almond vanilla ice cream) that everyone died over. So, fabulous. :slight_smile:

I don’t need to tell you lot that I’m thankful for the Straight Dope, right?