Trying to remember this show’s name drives me nuts.
I think it was around the late 80’s or early 90’s. Probably on FOX. It was about a young man who was a secret agent. His father was a secret agent too, and this young man was searching for his father. It was really quirky and (to my 10 or 11 year old mind) quite cerebral. I remember one episode where he gets captured by a bunch of gang-bangers (as in members of a street gang, not a group of rapists), and is told that he will have to compete with them and win to save his life, but he could choose what means they use to decide. The next scene is him racing the gangleader in a potato sack race.
Well, I fondly remember Beans Baxter as well. One of the first shows on the new Fox network. very few shows shone through (Married…With Children, Tracy Ullman [which begat The Simpsons]), and I was sad to see Beans go. But we did at least get Parker Lewis to fill the void shortly after.