TV show scenes you like

In the mid-70s, on Emergency!, was an episode which ended with a scene in which the firemen rescued an injured man from a sky-tower at the old Marineland in southern California. The characters went through their regular rescue routines, but along with this there were splendid views (which must have been filmed from a helicopter over Marineland’s parking lot!) and lovely background music. The scene ended with the injured man, successfully rescued, being put in an ambulance to take to the hospital; the paramedics told a co-worker the man would be all right. :slight_smile: (The running story line in the episode had to do with the Squad 51 truck having electrical problems, baffling Johnny and Roy and angering Charlie, the Fire Department mechanic; the very last bit of the episode has the fire engine not starting, and Capt. Stanley looking up and moaning, "Now I have to call Charlie…why me? Why me???
Please post here your favorite scenes from a particular TV show: funny, suspenseful, tragic, thought-provoking, or just serene, like this one from Emergency! :slight_smile:

I still fondly recall the “Captain Freedom” arc from Hill Street Blues. Captain Freedom was a benign nutcase who’d dress up in tights and a cape and make life difficult for our favorite officers with his do-gooding. The final episode of the arc was “Freedom’s Last Stand.” Captain Freedom is caught in the cross-fire trying to stop a robbery. He dies in Belker’s arms.

“Mick… the power’s in the glove… take it.” And hardened cop though he was, Mick Belker collapsed into tears. Believe me, it was as good as early 80’s television got.

thirtysomething was chock full of truely moving moments. I especially loved the episode “Ellyn’s Wedding.” Only a few weeks before, Michael’s best friend Gary had been killed and Michael was still coming to grips with this. Gary would even appear to Michael and berate him for not moving on (remember, there were some very surreal moments during thirtysomething). By the wedding episode, Micheal was no longer having regular conversations with Gary’s “ghost” but he did appear one last time in a nearly breathtaking moment and tells Michael how wonderful the future will be.

Or how about the final Quantum Leap when Sam tells Beth that Al is still alive and that she should wait for him. These few words will change Al’s life profoundly. He and Beth will stay married and Al will finally know happiness. Of course this will also destroy the only link that Sam has with the real world. But Sam sacrifices his own existance for Al’s happiness. And only he will ever know about his own sacrifice. Utter selflessness.

I’ve got more but I’ll surrender the floor. For now.

Ever watch Home Improvement around Halloween? One year there was a snake in a hole in the wall near the telephone, off the kitchen; late at night Tim and Jill poked around with flaslights; Tim got close to the hole and the phone rang! Scared the daylights out of him! I busted up laughing… :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

In one episode of Cops, a guy who was pretty obviously wasted beyond recognition and driving a dumpy-looking pickup truck got pulled over.

The cop had him get out of the car, asked him the standard “have you been drinking?” questions and then paused. “Sir,”
he said, “have you been smoking marijuana tonight?”

“Well, no sir,” slurrs the wasted guy.

Cop reaches slowly toward’s the guy’s head and pulls out a joint that had been behind the guy’s ear the whole time.

I saw a funny moment on a Cops video. A prostitute had been arrested and was waiting to be strip frisked. The police were questioning the prostitute who had a somewhat … unusual appearance.

“We’re going to ask you to remove your clothing so we can search you. This will be done by an officer of the same gender as yourself. So I have to ask you if you’re a man or a woman.”
“What kind of question is that? Look at me! I’m dressed like a woman! I look like a woman! Obviously I’m a woman!”
“I’m very sorry, miss, no offense was meant.”
“Of course, technically I do have a penis.”

I love the tension in the scene from Star Trek, episode “The Doomsday Machine”.

Kirk is piloting the USS Constellation into the maw of the “berserker” and expects to be beamed off. But the Enterprise’s transporter is acting glitchy, and Kirk is getting very edgy. (“Gentlemen, beam me aboard!”) And the music is that Jaws-esque ba-dum ba-dum with the sax.

I know Kirk will be saved, but I always get goosebumps watching that scene.

The Cheers episode where Coach tells his daughter how beautiful she is, and she finally accepts that she is worth more than her image of her outer self. A very touching scene, the quality of which goes beyond what I would have expected from a TV show.

Buffy the Vampire Slay, first season, last ep. Buffy overhears that it is foretold that she will die that night trying to kill the Master. She goes into the library and hears her sweetie Angel tlaking to giles - She gets this little smile on her face because he’s there. Then she hears her boyfriend and father-figure talking about how she’s destined to die. Her face just crumbles and for the first time she rejects being a slayer and rips the cross off from around her neck. Later, when Giles goes to face the Master in her stead, she slugs him and knocks him out and does her duty. She is killed by the Master (but just a little bit dead). Exceptional acting for all involved, in the only show I watch on TV anymore.


StG, I prefer the scene in which, after having lost his soul, Angel kills Jenny Callendar, and Giles tracks him down at the warehouse, attacking him with a flaming torch. Buffy has to rescue him, because Angel just about kills him, then she gets angry him for doing it in the first place because she doesn’t want to lose anyone else. Man, what a great scene.

“It’s my considered opinion you’re all a bunch of sissies!”–Paul’s Grandfather

pldennison - How about the scene where Jenny’s corpse is in Giles’ bed at the top of the stairs, and Giles walks up. Mme. Butterfly on the CD player, that smile on his face…Then Willow gets the call at Buffy’s house that Jenny is dead. And as she breaks down, Angel is watching from behind the tree. Passion is on of my favourite eps. Did you like Hush, last week’s eppy?

Any episode billed as “A very special Blossom.”

Well, shut my mouth. It’s also illegal to put squirrels down your pants for the purposes of gambling.

I don’t watch Party of Five, but I used to be friends with a woman who was avidly into it. She came to our apartment once to watch a certain episode on our big-screen TV instead of her middling one. The oldest brother (I cannot think of either the actor’s or character’s name) was to find out whether his cancer had returned or not. He gets the decisive phone call in the last scene, of course. Until that point, I had merely been politely quiet, not paying full attention, because I had no frame of reference for these people. But during this final scene, Mr. Rilch and I were as tense as our friend; if the ceiling had caved in, we wouldn’t have moved. The guy in the scene kept saying things like, “I see” and “You’re sure?” and stayed just one millimeter short of breaking down, but there was no way to tell if he was being given good news or bad. We were right up on him until the last sentence, when it was clear that he was still healthy. I still don’t watch the show, but that was an amazing scene, to draw me in like that when I hadn’t been in the least interested.

Remember, I’m pulling for you; we’re all in this together.
—Red Green

The final episode of Quantum Leap is the best piece of TV magic ever, IMO. It never fails to bring a tear to my eye, and that speaks volumes to how moving it really is.

“Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home.”

Although I hated the show itself there was a Perfect Strangers] episode where Larry and Balky (?) learn karate. My wife showed me this episode on tape (she loves the show). The whole thing cracked me up, but the scene where Balky is dressed as a ninja hiding along the wall is wonderful!

In the animated cartoon drama, RoboTech, the destruction of the Earth was pretty nifty.

In the computer animated cartoon drama, ReBoot, there are many scenes I enjoyed. Too many to list completely, but the first that comes to mind is Bob vs. Megabyte in the Battle of the Bands. “Glitch … B.F.G.”

Which reminds me, I want a fourth season of ReBoot!!! I want to know what happens with Daemon. ARGH!!! That’s better.

“Glitch … Window, large icons.” - Bob the Guardian

The Ally McBeal scene where a child (who wanted to sue God for giving him cancer) died. Ally was upset, and the acerbic and stoic Ling came up to her at the hospital and admonished Ally for crying. “Why are you crying? You * knew * the kid was going to die!”

Later, they cut to Ling walking down the street, with tears streaming down her face.

Aw geez, I just love David E. Kelley!

This exchange between Manuel and a guest on “Fawlty Towers”:

Mrs. Richards: I’ve booked a room with a bath and a sea view.
Manuel: Qué?
Mrs. Richards: K?
Manuel: Sí.
Mrs. Richards: C?
Manuel: No. Qué, “what.”
Mrs. Richards: K. Watt?
Manuel: Sí: qué, “what.”
Mrs. Richards: C. K. Watt? Is he the manager?
Manuel: Ah! Manajer! Mr. Fawlty.
Mrs. Richards: This man is telling me the manager is a C. K. Watt, aged forty.
Manuel: No, Fawlty.
Mrs. Richards: Faulty? Why? What’s wrong with him?

“My hovercraft is full of eels.”

From the last season of Beast Wars:

Black Arachnia (The only female transformer in the series at the time), Rattrap, and Silverbolt are trying to repair The Arc (the old Autobot ship), and Black Arachnia realizes they need a duct for something, but can’t find anything.

Then she looks over at Rattrap, and rips one off of his back. Rattrap gives her a dirty look, and yells ‘Hey, you emasculatin’ Fembot!’

She simply turns and snips the end off the duct.

Cut to Silverbolt, wincing. (As am I…)

Eschew Obfuscation