Twickster, too stupid for MPSIMS?

Will wonders never cease? Though it was pretty stupid.

Nothing new about that.

Now gimme that fish.

I think twickster is AFK for the afternoon, so I’ll field this. Yes, Virginia, there are some threads that are too stupid for MPSIMS.

That’s what I get for staying out of MPSIMS for the past few years.

However, the question must be asked:

I’m back.

Yup, what Marley said – there is, in fact, a line beyond which something is too mundane and/or too pointless, and IMHO this thread was on the wrong side of that line.

No prob with your exploring the question in the correct forum, though. :wink:

You really should visit more frequently. You don’t want your IQ to rise too high.

There’s no fear of that happening.

Whew, dz!!!:slight_smile: I sure was glad to see that comma after Twicks’ name!!!:D:D:D

I mighta used a colon, but what do I know, right?:wink:


I know my punctuation, dude, though it sometimes gets excessive and archaic.

Well, it seems like once again I was unclear as to what I meant. I meant I was glad to see a comma there because I almost mis-read it as having had no comma.


I knew what you meant. I was pretending to take offense. Need to roll your condition into my reactions, like when speaking with my daughter. Lots of people are very literal, like her, and my “dry” (AKA: “asshole-ish”) reactions are often taken wrong.

That was probably supposed to be an apology, with a touch of, “We cool, bro?”

What can I say, but another “Whew”?

And of course we’re cool

And I think I need to roll my condition into some of my reactions as well.


No, now that we know we can adjust. We’ve been doing it all our lives with friends and relatives.

Dumb rule.

It would have been interesting to see where that thread led. It may have been stupid, but it was funny, something everyone could use a little more of, IMHO.

I too hate this rule. Silly and/or surreal threads are fun and harmless. When I’m king, I tell ya…

Oh well, I guess that kills my much planned “Leggo my Eggo!” thread.

I remember some years ago someone started a thread which contained a link. When you clicked it, it took you straight back to the thread. It didn’t stay open long. I forget who the Mod was.

This always gets my goat. Yes, I know that it is the official line, and, yes, I know that certain mods insist on enforcing it, but I’ll say what I always say - which is: it’s people having fun, enjoying themselves. Where’s the harm? It’s a depressing example of killjoy-ness.